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Summer 2025 Summer Colleges Staff Positions

Develop your leadership, organizational, communication and conflict-resolution skills! We are looking for Yale students and alumni to serve in the following Summer Colleges staff positions this summer:

Any currently enrolled Yale undergraduate or graduate student in academic good standing or any Yale alumnus is eligible to apply. The ideal candidate will have spent one or two years in a residential college. The most effective applicant is a mature student who enjoys working with others and who feels committed to the intellectual and social values of residential college life. The positions also require resourcefulness, excellent problem-solving skills, energy, creativity, integrity, good judgment, and a deep wellspring of patience. Previous counseling experience is a plus for all positions.

The 2025 Summer Colleges are Ezra Stiles, Grace Hopper, and Morse Colleges.

The application for Summer 2025 positions is closed.

Decisions will be released by Friday, March 7, 2025.

Residential Director Positions

Residential Directors live in the Residential Colleges and are responsible for mentoring Summer Counselors, enforcing campus policies, mediating conflicts, developing programming for students, and managing crises. Residential Directors work as tight team under the Head of Summer Colleges.

There will be one position for a Head Residential Director and five positions for Residential Directors. These positions are open to graduating seniors and those who are beyond college.

The application for Residential Director positions is closed.

Decisions will be released by Friday, March 7, 2025.