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Below are the key policies that all students must review and agree to in order to enroll in Summer Session. These policies are designed to ensure a smooth and successful experience at Yale, so we encourage you to read them carefully before submitting your application.


Admission to any Yale Summer Session course or program is based on a student’s qualifications and on enrollment numbers. Students should ensure that they meet any course prerequisites. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so students are encouraged to apply as soon as their plans are concrete. Some courses have limited enrollment and may close to further enrollment before the application deadline. Students will be notified if their selected course has closed and asked if they would like to make an alternative choice. 

Yale Summer Session reserves the right to cancel, close, or reschedule any course or program. Exceptionally, Yale Summer Session may be obliged to cancel a course due to low enrollment or the unexpected unavailability of an instructor, among other reasons; change an announced instructor; or modify the dates, meeting days and times, modality, or emphasis of a course. Impacted students will be notified if a course is canceled or closed and, as appropriate, asked to make alternative course selections. If no suitable alternative is available, the student's enrollment in Yale Summer Session will be canceled, and any pre-paid tuition will be refunded. Students will be notified about two weeks in advance of a course's start date if that course will be canceled due to low enrollment. 

Yale College students may not be simultaneously enrolled in a Yale Summer Session course, even if online, and a Yale or non-Yale study abroad program. Students may do both only in cases where the start and end dates do not overlap. 


Attendance is required in all Yale Summer Session courses.

Students in online courses are required to attend class sessions on a computer with their video on and in a setting conducive to academic work and class participation. Students must attend all class sessions in full and may not begin a course late or leave a course early by, for example, making arrangements to attend an in-person course remotely or take a final examination in advance. Yale Summer Session operates on a compressed schedule, so courses meet as scheduled even on designated summer holidays, including Memorial Day, Juneteenth, and the Fourth of July. Students may not elect courses with meeting times that overlap. 

Any student may, because of excessive absences, unsatisfactory work, or disruptive behavior, be excluded from a course without credit upon the recommendation of the instructor or department concerned to the Dean of International and Summer Programs for Yale College. 

Students should not apply to courses which they cannot attend in full.

Completion of Coursework 

Because of the compressed summer calendar, Yale Summer Session courses are rigorous and intense, and students must be diligent about managing their course attendance and coursework. Students in Yale Summer Session are expected to take personal responsibility for submitting all coursework by the deadlines provided by the instructor. Problems that may arise in the submission of work, such as technology malfunction or time zone issues, are not legitimate reasons for late or missing work. 

Students are expected to consult promptly with their instructors if their circumstances do not allow them to submit work on time. During the five-week session, permission to submit late work or to otherwise make up work must be secured directly from the instructor. There are no Dean's Extensions in Yale Summer Session. 

Students are expected to complete the work for their courses before the end of the relevant five-week session. There is no Reading Period or Final Examination Period, and there are no TI or ABX accommodations, in Yale Summer Session. A missed examination or other coursework that remains incomplete after the final day of the five-week session can be made up or submitted only under exceptional and extenuating circumstances and only with the written permission of the instructor and the Dean of International and Summer Programs for Yale College. This permission must be requested of the Dean promptly and in advance, prior to 5:00pm EDT on the final day of the five-week session. 

Course Changes and Withdrawals 

All requests for post-admission course changes (course additions, substitutions, or withdrawals) must be made via the Change Form on the Yale Summer Session website in accordance with the relevant deadlines.

The deadline to request course additions or substitutions is typically ten days prior to the start of the relevant five-week session at 5:00pm EDT. Students may withdraw from a course via the Change Form up until the final Friday of the relevant five-week session at 5:00pm EDT. Based on the exact timing of the request, the course withdrawal may be with or without the neutral mark of W on the academic record. 


A full course tuition refund will be issued if a student notifies the Yale Summer Session office, prior to the start of the relevant five-week session and via the Change Form on the Yale Summer Session website, of their intention not to attend courses in that session. 

  1. If a student drops a course or withdraws entirely from Yale Summer Session by Friday of the first week of the relevant five-week session, at 5:00pm EDT, 100% of the course tuition will be refunded or credited. 
  2. If a student drops a course or withdraws entirely from Yale Summer Session by Friday of the second week of the relevant five-week session, at 5:00pm EDT, 50% of the course tuition will be refunded or credited. 
  3. No course tuition will be refunded if a student drops a course or withdraws entirely from Yale Summer Session after Friday of the second week of the relevant five-week session, at 5:00pm EDT. 

Students are advised to take special note of these deadlines; for consistency and fairness across all Yale Summer Session students, these deadlines are strictly enforced. 

The Application Fee and I-20 Processing Fee are non-refundable. 

For more information regarding tuition, fees, and refunds, including for the Residential Program and room and board, which have a different refund schedule, see the Tuition and Fees Policies page.

Student Handbook and Responsibilities 

The policies and regulations outlined here, and other important academic, residential, and disciplinary regulations, are explained in more detail in the Yale Summer Session Student Handbook.

As a condition of enrolling in Yale Summer Session, students are required to comply with these regulations and the policies and regulations of Yale College and the University more broadly. Yale Summer Session expects students to be familiar with this Student Handbook; a claim of ignorance of any of the regulations therein will not be accepted as an excuse for violating them. In addition, students have an obligation to adhere to applicable federal, state, and local laws. 

Yale Summer Session deadlines and regulations are established and enforced to maintain consistency and fairness across all Yale Summer Session courses and students, and it is expected that students take them seriously. 

Photo and Video Release 

During the course of Yale Summer Session (“the Program”), we may use photographs, videos, films, or other media to record or otherwise capture your image or voice or material resulting from your activities or performances (collectively, “Images and Recordings”). As described below, this form allows Yale University and its contractors, agents, and licensees (“Yale”) to use those Images and Recordings. 

By completing this form, you agree to the following: 

  • You grant to Yale the permanent right to use the Images and Recordings in all types of media in connection with the Program and for other purposes that support Yale’s not-for-profit mission. This permission includes use of the Images and Recordings in any new types of media that might be developed in the future. 
  • Neither you nor anyone else acting on behalf of you will have any right to approve or be paid for Yale’s use of the Images and Recordings. 
  • Neither you nor anyone else acting on behalf of you will have any right to make a legal claim as a result of Yale’s use of the Images and Recordings, and any such claim is covered by the “Assumption of Risk, Release from Liability and Indemnification” that you have signed. 
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Overview of Yale Summer Session Policies

Below are the key policies that all students must review and agree to in order to enroll in Summer Session. These policies are designed to ensure a smooth and successful experience at Yale, so we encourage you to read them carefully before submitting your application.


Admission to any Yale Summer Session course or program is based on a student’s qualifications and on enrollment numbers. Students should ensure that they meet any course prerequisites. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so students are encouraged to apply as soon as their plans are concrete. Some courses have limited enrollment and may close to further enrollment before the application deadline. Students will be notified if their selected course has closed and asked if they would like to make an alternative choice. 

Yale Summer Session reserves the right to cancel, close, or reschedule any course or program. Exceptionally, Yale Summer Session may be obliged to cancel a course due to low enrollment or the unexpected unavailability of an instructor, among other reasons; change an announced instructor; or modify the dates, meeting days and times, modality, or emphasis of a course. Impacted students will be notified if a course is canceled or closed and, as appropriate, asked to make alternative course selections. If no suitable alternative is available, the student's enrollment in Yale Summer Session will be canceled, and any pre-paid tuition will be refunded. Students will be notified about two weeks in advance of a course's start date if that course will be canceled due to low enrollment. 

Yale College students may not be simultaneously enrolled in a Yale Summer Session course, even if online, and a Yale or non-Yale study abroad program. Students may do both only in cases where the start and end dates do not overlap. 


Attendance is required in all Yale Summer Session courses.

Students in online courses are required to attend class sessions on a computer with their video on and in a setting conducive to academic work and class participation. Students must attend all class sessions in full and may not begin a course late or leave a course early by, for example, making arrangements to attend an in-person course remotely or take a final examination in advance. Yale Summer Session operates on a compressed schedule, so courses meet as scheduled even on designated summer holidays, including Memorial Day, Juneteenth, and the Fourth of July. Students may not elect courses with meeting times that overlap. 

Any student may, because of excessive absences, unsatisfactory work, or disruptive behavior, be excluded from a course without credit upon the recommendation of the instructor or department concerned to the Dean of International and Summer Programs for Yale College. 

Students should not apply to courses which they cannot attend in full.

Completion of Coursework 

Because of the compressed summer calendar, Yale Summer Session courses are rigorous and intense, and students must be diligent about managing their course attendance and coursework. Students in Yale Summer Session are expected to take personal responsibility for submitting all coursework by the deadlines provided by the instructor. Problems that may arise in the submission of work, such as technology malfunction or time zone issues, are not legitimate reasons for late or missing work. 

Students are expected to consult promptly with their instructors if their circumstances do not allow them to submit work on time. During the five-week session, permission to submit late work or to otherwise make up work must be secured directly from the instructor. There are no Dean's Extensions in Yale Summer Session. 

Students are expected to complete the work for their courses before the end of the relevant five-week session. There is no Reading Period or Final Examination Period, and there are no TI or ABX accommodations, in Yale Summer Session. A missed examination or other coursework that remains incomplete after the final day of the five-week session can be made up or submitted only under exceptional and extenuating circumstances and only with the written permission of the instructor and the Dean of International and Summer Programs for Yale College. This permission must be requested of the Dean promptly and in advance, prior to 5:00pm EDT on the final day of the five-week session. 

Course Changes and Withdrawals 

All requests for post-admission course changes (course additions, substitutions, or withdrawals) must be made via the Change Form on the Yale Summer Session website in accordance with the relevant deadlines.

The deadline to request course additions or substitutions is typically ten days prior to the start of the relevant five-week session at 5:00pm EDT. Students may withdraw from a course via the Change Form up until the final Friday of the relevant five-week session at 5:00pm EDT. Based on the exact timing of the request, the course withdrawal may be with or without the neutral mark of W on the academic record. 


A full course tuition refund will be issued if a student notifies the Yale Summer Session office, prior to the start of the relevant five-week session and via the Change Form on the Yale Summer Session website, of their intention not to attend courses in that session. 

  1. If a student drops a course or withdraws entirely from Yale Summer Session by Friday of the first week of the relevant five-week session, at 5:00pm EDT, 100% of the course tuition will be refunded or credited. 
  2. If a student drops a course or withdraws entirely from Yale Summer Session by Friday of the second week of the relevant five-week session, at 5:00pm EDT, 50% of the course tuition will be refunded or credited. 
  3. No course tuition will be refunded if a student drops a course or withdraws entirely from Yale Summer Session after Friday of the second week of the relevant five-week session, at 5:00pm EDT. 

Students are advised to take special note of these deadlines; for consistency and fairness across all Yale Summer Session students, these deadlines are strictly enforced. 

The Application Fee and I-20 Processing Fee are non-refundable. 

For more information regarding tuition, fees, and refunds, including for the Residential Program and room and board, which have a different refund schedule, see the Tuition and Fees Policies page.

Student Handbook and Responsibilities 

The policies and regulations outlined here, and other important academic, residential, and disciplinary regulations, are explained in more detail in the Yale Summer Session Student Handbook.

As a condition of enrolling in Yale Summer Session, students are required to comply with these regulations and the policies and regulations of Yale College and the University more broadly. Yale Summer Session expects students to be familiar with this Student Handbook; a claim of ignorance of any of the regulations therein will not be accepted as an excuse for violating them. In addition, students have an obligation to adhere to applicable federal, state, and local laws. 

Yale Summer Session deadlines and regulations are established and enforced to maintain consistency and fairness across all Yale Summer Session courses and students, and it is expected that students take them seriously. 

Photo and Video Release 

During the course of Yale Summer Session (“the Program”), we may use photographs, videos, films, or other media to record or otherwise capture your image or voice or material resulting from your activities or performances (collectively, “Images and Recordings”). As described below, this form allows Yale University and its contractors, agents, and licensees (“Yale”) to use those Images and Recordings. 

By completing this form, you agree to the following: 

  • You grant to Yale the permanent right to use the Images and Recordings in all types of media in connection with the Program and for other purposes that support Yale’s not-for-profit mission. This permission includes use of the Images and Recordings in any new types of media that might be developed in the future. 
  • Neither you nor anyone else acting on behalf of you will have any right to approve or be paid for Yale’s use of the Images and Recordings. 
  • Neither you nor anyone else acting on behalf of you will have any right to make a legal claim as a result of Yale’s use of the Images and Recordings, and any such claim is covered by the “Assumption of Risk, Release from Liability and Indemnification” that you have signed. 
Yale Summer Session 2025