Language Reading Courses Online 2025 - GSAS
The following courses are non-credit bearing and are designed to assist Yale doctoral and visiting graduate students in satisfying their degree requirements. The courses will not appear on transcripts issued by the University.
German for Reading
GMAN-S999E (CRN 30150)
Online Course. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences will offer an online, non-credit German for Reading course to assist students in satisfying their degree requirements. Students will acquire skills for reading German language texts of any difficulty with some fluency. Study of syntax and grammar; practice in close reading and translation of texts in different genres in the humanities and sciences. The course is self-paced but has daily or weekly deadlines for assignments. These courses do not have live online class meetings and will not appear on transcripts issued by the University. Grades will be available in Yale Hub one week after the conclusion of the course. Open to Yale doctoral and visiting graduate students. Non-Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Yale doctoral student Tuition and Technology Fee are funded by GSAS. Visiting students, Tuition: $850.Technology fee: $85.
French for Reading
FREN-S999E (CRN 30121)
Online Course. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences will offer an online, non-credit French for Reading course to assist students in satisfying their degree requirements. Students will acquire skills for reading French language texts of any difficulty with some fluency. Study of syntax and grammar; practice in close reading and translation of texts in different genres in the humanities and sciences. The class will meet live online each week and will not appear on transcripts issued by the University. Grades will be available in Yale Hub one week after the conclusion of the course. Open to Yale doctoral and visiting graduate students. Non-Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Class times: Mondays and Thursdays, 10am - 12pm EDT. Yale doctoral student Tuition and Technology Fee are funded by GSAS. Visiting students, Tuition: $850. Technology Fee: $85.
Spanish for Reading
SPAN-S999E (CRN 30134)
Online Course. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences will offer an online, non-credit Spanish for Reading course to assist students in satisfying their degree requirements. Students will acquire skills for reading Spanish language texts of any difficulty with some fluency. Study of syntax and grammar; practice in close reading and translation of texts in different genres in the humanities and sciences. The course is self-paced but has daily or weekly deadlines for assignments. These courses do not have live online class meetings and will not appear on transcripts issued by the University. Grades will be available in Yale Hub one week after the conclusion of the course. Open to Yale doctoral and visiting graduate students. Non-Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Yale doctoral student Tuition and Technology Fee are funded by GSAS. Visiting students, Tuition: $850. Technology Fee: $85.
Italian for Reading & Translation
ITAL-S999E (CRN 30125)
Online Course. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences will offer an online, non-credit Italian for Reading course to assist students in satisfying their degree requirements. Students will acquire skills for reading Italian language texts of any difficulty with some fluency. Study of syntax and grammar; practice in close reading and translation of texts in different genres in the humanities and sciences. The course is self-paced but has daily or weekly deadlines for assignments. These courses do not have live online class meetings and will not appear on transcripts issued by the University. Grades will be available in Yale Hub one week after the conclusion of the course. Open to Yale doctoral and visiting graduate students. Non-Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Yale doctoral student Tuition and Technology Fee are funded by GSAS. Visiting students, Tuition: $850. Technology Fee: $85.