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Explore the Summer 2025 Course Offerings

Explore our diverse range of academic offerings designed to inspire, challenge, and expand your intellectual horizons. Whether you're looking to deepen your expertise in a specific field, explore new areas of interest, or engage with world-class instructors, our courses cater to a variety of academic goals. Browse through our list to discover the opportunities awaiting you this summer, and take the next step in your academic journey at Yale.

2025 Course Search

Displaying 1-20 of 286 courses

Race and Slavery in Yale's Archives

AFAM S173 (CRN: 30335) | Learn More

Instructors: Edward Rugemer
Dates: Session A, May 26 - June 27, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: TTh 9.00-12.15
Distributional Requirements: Humanities
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

In-person Course. This summer seminar will explore significance of race, slavery, and abolitionism in American History during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The course will also introduce students to archival methods for the study of history. Taught from a classroom in the Beinecke Library, each class meeting will begin with a discussion of historical writings upon a particular theme of this history. Then we will turn to an archival collection from one of Yale’s repositories that sheds light upon this theme. Students will learn to transcribe and analyze historical documents, and then to make meaning of the past from their investigations. Topics include slavery and slaveholding, the transatlantic slave trade, the continental slave trade, the abolitionist movement, the Black experience in northern cities, Yale University, and the afterlives of racial slavery as evident in material culture. 1 Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Tuition: $5270.

Society and Politics of North Africa

AFST S325 (CRN: 30327) | Learn More

Instructors: Jonathan Wyrtzen
Dates: Learn more on the Yale Study Abroad program page
Course Mode: Study Abroad
Meeting Times: M-F 10.00-12.00
Distributional Requirements: Social Sciences
Eligibility: Open to college students only

This course is part of a Yale Summer Session Program Abroad and cannot be taken independent of the program. Interested students must apply to Yale Study Abroad by February 4th. For more detailed information about the program, including a description of the courses, housing, excursions, and budget, visit the Yale Study Abroad program page.

Cultural Politics of Cumbia Music & Dance

AMST S220 (CRN: 30333) | Learn More

Instructors: Deb Vargas
Dates: Session A, May 26 - June 27, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: MW 9.00-12.15
Distributional Requirements: Humanities
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

In-person Course. Cumbia is one of the most transnational musics in the American continent currently representing a sonic renaissance. Varied cumbia sounds and dance styles are found in most countries across the Americas while sharing similar race and colonial genealogies. This class focuses on cumbia music and dance to explore that politics of race, gender, colonialism, and racial capitalism to consider the ways music reflects the cultural politics of a given moment. Enrollment limited to 20 students. 1 Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Tuition: $5270.

Contemporary Asian American Drama

AMST S248E (CRN: 30350) | Learn More

Instructors: Shilarna Stokes
Dates: Session B, June 30 - August 1, 2025
Course Mode: Online
Meeting Times: TTh 9.00-12.15
Distributional Requirements: Humanities
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

Online Course. In the 1960s, the designation "Asian American" emerged to encompass a diverse array of experiences, histories, languages, and cultures. This decade also marked the establishment of the first Asian American theater companies, which subsequently led to an increasing collection of plays authored by Asian American playwrights. This seminar will facilitate in-depth readings and discussions of works by fifteen contemporary playwrights whose heritage connects them to various regions across East, South, Southeast, and Western Asia. Notable figures include Philip Kan Gotanda, David Henry Hwang, Aasif Mandvi, Qui Nguyen, Jiehae Park, and Sanaz Toossi, among others. Alongside employing various analytical methods for dramatic texts, we will explore the political, cultural, and historical contexts that influenced the consciousness of Asian American playwrights during the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Our aim is to gain a renewed understanding of what it means to be (and perform) Asian Americanness for both current and future generations. 1 Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Tuition: $5270. Technology Fee: $85.

Asian American Affect: The Cultural Politics of Emotion

AMST S254 (CRN: 30340) | Learn More

Instructors: Minh Vu
Dates: Session B, June 30 - August 1, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: MW 9.00-12.15
Distributional Requirements: Humanities
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

In-person Course. This seminar examines Asian American history and culture through the lens of affect. Whether the political demands of revolutionaries and rebels in the 1970s, the broken English of stereotyped Asian immigrants on TV, or the melancholic musings of “cut fruit” diaspora poets, affect—in other words: emotion, or etymologically, the capacity to “move” or be “moved”—generates social constructs around Asian American race, gender, and sexuality. Historically, affect has worked with and through the economic, the political, and the cultural to generate categories including (but not limited to) the orient, the indebted refugee, and the model minority. By studying a range of contemporary cultural representations—across poetry, literature, film, and music—students will consider how Asian Americans reproduce and/or trouble these reductive tropes by exhibiting and embodying their own dis/affective poetics and politics. Example texts and themes include but are not limited to: Yoko Ono, Ocean Vuong, Crazy Rich Asians, Beef, Kim’s Convenience, nerds, rave culture, “sad girl music,” and YouTube personalities (nigahiga, Lilly Singh, and Wong Fu Productions). Enrollment limited to 12 students. 1 Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Tuition: $5270.

The American West: Race, Resistance, and Representation

AMST S259E (CRN: 30338) | Learn More

Instructors: Stephen Pitti
Dates: Session A, May 26 - June 27, 2025
Course Mode: Online
Meeting Times: MW 1.00-4.15
Distributional Requirements: Humanities
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

Online Course. This seminar explores the American West from the sixteenth century to the present, attending to how colonial and national projects have shaped the region, how borders have been understood and policed, how Asian American and Latinx communities have remade rural and urban areas, how activists have driven and responded to contemporary debates, how musicians and visual artists have imagined regional identities, and more. In addition to reading published accounts, participants explore unique archival collections related to the American West at Yale. Enrollment limited to 18 students. 1 Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Tuition: $5270. Technology Fee: $85.

Race and Slavery in Yale's Archives

AMST S283 (CRN: 30336) | Learn More

Instructors: Edward Rugemer
Dates: Session A, May 26 - June 27, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: TTh 9.00-12.15
Distributional Requirements: Humanities
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

In-person Course. This summer seminar will explore significance of race, slavery, and abolitionism in American History during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The course will also introduce students to archival methods for the study of history. Taught from a classroom in the Beinecke Library, each class meeting will begin with a discussion of historical writings upon a particular theme of this history. Then we will turn to an archival collection from one of Yale’s repositories that sheds light upon this theme. Students will learn to transcribe and analyze historical documents, and then to make meaning of the past from their investigations. Topics include slavery and slaveholding, the transatlantic slave trade, the continental slave trade, the abolitionist movement, the Black experience in northern cities, Yale University, and the afterlives of racial slavery as evident in material culture. 1 Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Tuition: $5270.

Digital Platforms and Cultural Production

AMST S365E (CRN: 30135) | Learn More

Instructors: Julian Posada
Dates: Session B, June 30 - August 1, 2025
Course Mode: Online
Meeting Times: TTh 9.00-12.15
Distributional Requirements: Humanities, Social Sciences
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

Online Course. This seminar explores the phenomenon of digital platforms – intermediary infrastructures that connect end-users and complementors. These platforms have emerged in diverse socio-economic contexts, including social media (e.g., Instagram), video streaming (e.g., Twitch), digital labor (e.g., Uber), and e-commerce (e.g., Amazon). The course offers a multidisciplinary perspective on studying these platforms, viewed as an amalgamation of firms and multi-sided markets, each with their own distinctive history, governance, and infrastructures. Throughout this course, we will delve into the transformative role of these platforms in areas such as culture, labor, creativity, and democracy. Our discussions will draw upon comparative cases from the United States and abroad. In addition, the seminar aims to facilitate an in-depth dialogue on contemporary capitalism and the process of cultural production. We will engage with pertinent topics like inequality, surveillance, decentralization, and ethics in the digital age. Students are invited to contribute to these discussions by bringing examples and case studies from their personal experiences. 1 Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Tuition: $5270. Technology Fee: $85.

Film, Video, and American History

AMST S483 (CRN: 30038) | Learn More

Instructors: Melinda Stang
Dates: Session A, May 26 - June 27, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: TTh 9.00-12.15
Distributional Requirements: Humanities
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

In-person Course. This course will take a hard, imaginative, speculative, and poetic look at U.S. history of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries through the lens of film and video. In a time where we are awash with moving images in our environments on a daily, if not minute-by-minute basis, this course will be a space to meditate upon the sights, sounds, and texts around us.  We will interrogate how we have been trained to read a moving image. We will place the image historically, aesthetically, politically. We will learn how to see history as a series of discontinuities, yet with unconscious repetitions, thematic overlaps, and eternal returns — not simply as a single thread of greatest hits and milestones moments. Topics will include: Empire, Language, Love (viz. the Screwball Comedy), Class, War and Empire, Politics, Communism, Ideology, Youth, Revolt, Postmodernity, the Network, and Memory. Periods and events covered include: The Black Freedom Struggle, The Jazz Age, the Great Depression, World War II, the Long 1960s, the U.S. failure in Vietnam, the Dot Com Boom and Silicon Valley, and contemporary activist/revolutionary movements. We will not consider the U.S. in isolation: films and discussions will inevitably take us to Latin America, to France, to Senegal, to Iran, and to the Soviet Union. We will have mandatory Monday night screenings as well; these will include moving-image work by Julie Dash, Charlie Chaplin, Frank Tashlin, Douglas Sirk, Barbara Loden, Jane Schoenbrun, Anthony Banua-Simon, Kevin Jerome Everson, Don Hertzfeldt, Vincente Minnelli, Chuck Jones, Michelangelo Antonioni, Abbas Kiarostami, Frédéric Da, Spike Lee, Walt Disney, Warren Beatty, Brian De Palma, Richard Lester, and Eric André, among a host of others. This course seeks to expand students' knowledge of the history of film, of U.S. culture, and the society in which they exist. 1 Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Tuition: $5270.

Linear Algebra with Applications

AMTH S222E (CRN: 30252) | Learn More

Instructors: Surya Raghavendran
Dates: Session B, June 30 - August 1, 2025
Course Mode: Online
Meeting Times: M-F 1.00-2.20
Distributional Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning
Eligibility: Open to college students only

Online Course. Matrix representation of linear equations. Gauss elimination. Vector spaces. Linear independence, basis, and dimension. Orthogonality, projection, least squares approximation; orthogonalization and orthogonal bases. Extension to function spaces. Determinants. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Diagonalization. Difference equations and matrix differential equations. Symmetric and Hermitian matrices. Orthogonal and unitary transformations; similarity transformations. Students who plan to continue with upper level math courses should instead consider MATH 225. After MATH 115 or completed AP BC Calculus with a score of a 4 or 5. May not be taken after MATH 225. For college students and beyond. 1 Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Tuition: $5270. Technology Fee: $85.

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANTH S110 (CRN: 30051) | Learn More

Instructors: Tanmoy Sharma
Dates: Session B, June 30 - August 1, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: TTh 1.00-4.15
Distributional Requirements: Social Sciences
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

In-person Course. Anthropological study of cosmology, tacit knowledge, and ways of knowing the world in specific social settings. Ways in which sociocultural specificity helps to explain human solutions to problems of cooperation and conflict, production and reproduction, expression, and belief. Introduction to anthropological ways of understanding cultural difference in approaches to sickness and healing, gender and sexuality, economics, religion, and communication. Enrollment limited to 30 students. 1 Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Tuition: $5270.

Urban Education & Housing Policy

ANTH S324E (CRN: 30108) | Learn More

Instructors: Riché Barnes
Dates: Session A, May 26 - June 27, 2025
Course Mode: Online
Meeting Times: TTh 1.00-4.15
Distributional Requirements: Social Sciences, Writing
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

Online Course. Blends urban history with educational and housing policy to explore how spatial relationships have shaped opportunity since the groundbreaking supreme court decision, Brown V. Board of Education. Investigates a range of historical, legal, and contemporary issues relevant to both the segregation and desegregation of American cities and their public schools in the twentieth century. Uses Atlanta, GA as a case study in how race, cities, schools and space have been differently understood in the South as compared to the North, and to Atlanta as compared to other “Deep South” cities.  Enrollment limited to 25 students. 1 Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Tuition: $5270. Technology Fee: $85.

Ethnographies of Struggle

ANTH S412 (CRN: 30363) | Learn More

Instructors: N/A
Dates: Session B, June 30 - August 1, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: TTh 9.00-12.15
Distributional Requirements: N/A
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

In-person Course. Struggle is a transversal notion in contemporary ethnographies and political theory. Struggle is present in ontological debates, as well as in the everyday practices of people or social movements that suffer from injustice or actively struggle against it. In this course, we examine the different dimensions of struggle and what this means for ethnographic research. This course is designed to challenge perspectives, foster critical discussions, and engage students in real-world applications of anthropology, politics, and environmental studies. Enrollment limited to 18 students. 1 Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Tuition: $5270.

The Anthropology of Possible Worlds

ANTH S423 (CRN: 30026) | Learn More

Instructors: Paul Kockelman
Dates: Session A, May 26 - June 27, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: MWF 1.00-3.15
Distributional Requirements: Social Sciences
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

In-person Course. This course focuses on the nature of possible worlds: literary worlds (Narnia), ideological worlds (the world according to a particular political stance), psychological worlds (what someone remembers to be the case, wishes to be the case, or believes to be the case), environmental worlds (possible environmental futures), virtual worlds (the World of Warcraft), and—most of all—ethnographic works in which the actual and possible worlds of others are represented (the world according to the ancient Maya). We don’t focus on the contents of such worlds per se, but rather on the range of resources people have for representing, regimenting, and residing in such worlds; and the roles such resources play in mediating social relations and cultural values. 1 Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Tuition: $5270.

Gender & Citizenship in the Middle East

ANTH S441E (CRN: 30322) | Learn More

Instructors: Eda Pepi
Dates: Session A, May 26 - June 27, 2025
Course Mode: Online
Meeting Times: MW 1.00-4.15
Distributional Requirements: Social Sciences
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

Online Course. This seminar invites students to explore how gender, sexuality, and citizenship intersect across the Middle East and North Africa, examining how these identities shape—and are shaped by—forces like nationalism, migration, capitalism, family, and religion. Drawing from ethnography, history, and literature, we trace how gender roles and sexual minorities simultaneously fuel and question colonial legacies that uphold racialized ideas of “modernity.” And ask: How do global border regimes and the political economy of intimacies that sustain them reshape what it means to be—or not to be—a citizen? Our approach extends beyond laws to include everyday acts of citizenship across national and cultural divides. Readings highlight how people navigate their lives in the everyday, from the ordinary poetry of identity and belonging to the spectacular drama of war and conflict. 1 Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Tuition: $5270. Technology Fee: $85.

Global Health Ethnography

ANTH S462 (CRN: 30052) | Learn More

Instructors: Marcia Inhorn
Dates: Session B, June 30 - August 1, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: MW 6.00-9.15p
Distributional Requirements: Social Sciences
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

In-person Course. Study of anthropological ethnographies on serious health problems facing populations in resource-poor societies. Poverty and structural violence; struggles with infectious disease; the health of women and children; human rights and medical humanitarianism. Focus on sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, South Asia, and the Middle East. Enrollment limited to 16 students. 1 Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Tuition: $5270.

Human Osteology

ANTH S464 (CRN: 30053) | Learn More

Instructors: Eric Sargis
Dates: Session B, June 30 - August 1, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: TTh 1.00-4.15
Distributional Requirements: Science, Social Sciences
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

In-person Course. A lecture and laboratory course focusing on the characteristics of the human skeleton and its use in studies of functional morphology, paleodemography, and paleopathology. Laboratories familiarize students with skeletal parts; lectures focus on the nature of bone tissue, its biomechanical modification, sexing, aging, and interpretation of lesions. Enrollment limited to 23 students. 1 Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Tuition: $5270.

Energy, Environment, and Public Policy

APHY S120 (CRN: 30056) | Learn More

Instructors: Daniel Prober
Dates: Session B, June 30 - August 1, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: TTh 9.00-12.15
Distributional Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning, Science
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

In-person Course. Seminar that covers the technology, use, and impact of energy on the environment, climate, security, and the economy. Emphasis on what drives people's choices and how to transition to renewable energy. Tours of energy facilities on the Yale campus. Prerequisite: completion of high school physics and chemistry. Enrollment limited to 30 students. 1 Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Tuition: $5270.

Energy, Environment, and Public Policy

APHY S120E (CRN: 30093) | Learn More

Instructors: Daniel Prober
Dates: Session A, May 26 - June 27, 2025
Course Mode: Online
Meeting Times: TTh 9.00-12.15
Distributional Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning, Science
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

Online Course. Seminar that covers the technology, use, and impact of energy on the environment, climate, security, and the economy. Emphasis on what drives people's choices and how to transition to renewable energy. Tours of energy facilities on the Yale campus. Prerequisite: completion of high school physics and chemistry. Enrollment limited to 30 students. 1 Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Tuition: $5270. Technology Fee: $85.

Multivariable Calculus for Engineers

APHY S151E (CRN: 30111) | Learn More

Instructors: Mitchell Smooke
Dates: Session A, May 26 - June 27, 2025
Course Mode: Online
Meeting Times: TWTh 10.00-12.15
Distributional Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning
Eligibility: Open to college students only

Online Course. The course will introduce the engineering and applied science student to multivariable calculus for use in solving problems of physical interest. The course will focus on topics including three-dimensional spaces and vectors, vector-valued functions, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, and vector calculus including Greens', Stokes' and the divergence theorems. Prerequisite: MATH 115 or completed AP BC Calculus with a score of a 4 or 5. Enrollment limited to 25 students. For college students and beyond. 1 Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Tuition: $5270. Technology Fee: $85.

Yale Summer Session 2025