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Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management

HLTH S225E (CRN: 30259)

Instructors: Zinnia Mukherjee
Dates: Session B, June 30 - August 1, 2025
Course Mode: Online
Meeting Times: TTh 9.00-12.15
Distributional Requirements: Social Sciences
Eligibility: Open to college students only

Online Course. This course introduces students to the economics of environmental protection and management of natural resources, and various topics in this area of study. Is climate change real or a myth? How much would you pay to protect tigers from poachers? How can governments protect the world’s marine reserves or regulate energy markets? Can we prevent the killing of dolphins resulting from tuna fishing? What are the environmental effects of economic growth and international trade? The course will begin with an overview of relevant economic concepts such as cost-benefit analysis, efficiency, market failure, externalities, and public goods. Using a basic pollution model, the course will demonstrate the impact of economic activities on local and global environmental outcomes and teach students how economists analyze alternative policy options for reducing environmental damages that stem from human activities. Course topics include management of nonrenewable and renewable natural resources, open access resources and tragedy of the commons, methods of valuing ecosystems, energy efficiency, the relationship between trade and global environmental problems, and global climate policy. Prerequisite: ECON 115. Calculus recommended. Enrollment limited to 20 students.  For college students and beyond. 1 Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Tuition: $5270. Technology Fee: $85.

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