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Whether you're a seasoned writer or just beginning to explore your creative potential, our workshop is designed to provide you with the tools, guidance, and community you need to grow as a writer. Here, you’ll find answers to commonly asked questions about our programs, offerings, and how you can get involved. Whether you're curious about our course structure, submission guidelines, or any other details, we've got you covered to help you make the most of your writing journey with us.


[FAQ] How do I apply?

Visit Admission.

[FAQ]What should my submission be like?

A writing sample is required to complete your application. The sample must be about 1,000 words and submitted as a Word document. Include your name on each page. Please use font size 12. If your writing sample is more than 1,000 words only the first portion will be reviewed for admission. Your writing sample needs to be specific to the genre of the workshop to which you are applying.

[FAQ] What do you look for in a writing sample?

Writers attend the workshop to improve their writing, so we expect to read work-in-progress not super-polished completed stories. (Do NOT submit published work.) That said, the sample should demonstrate an understanding of basic elements of the craft such as point of view, grammar, and punctuation. Our best advice: prior to submission, invite a writer friend to read and comment on your submission, and read it aloud to yourself. We’re eager to read your work.

[FAQ] When will I learn if I have been accepted to the program?

Admission decisions will be released approximately one week after the submission of your complete application.  We review applications on a rolling admission process.

[FAQ] Does my writing sample have to be the same thing I intend to present in the workshop?

For the application, we are interested in getting a sense of your writing. You may submit a different manuscript to your workshop leader.

[FAQ] I don’t have any work of the length requested for the writing sample. Can I submit several shorter pieces?

Yes, but remember, whatever you submit has to be appropriate for that workshop. Please combine all pages into one document for uploading with your application.

[FAQ] Can I submit a writing sample outside the genre? For example, even if I am applying for fiction, can I submit an essay or poetry?

No. Please submit a writing sample appropriate to the genre of your workshop choice. Submitted genre must match the workshop genre. Please do not submit poetry for a fiction workshop.

[FAQ] Can I attend both the On-Ground and the Remote Program?

Yes, but be sure to review the demand of the commitment. You’ll be responsible to read work for both workshops.

[FAQ] Can I submit letters of recommendation?

It is not necessary, as your application is evaluated exclusively on the strength of your writing.

[FAQ] If I am accepted, what do I have to do to hold my place?

Remit payment by the deadline. Writers are enrolled in order of payment. For that reason, if you delay payment, your first choice workshop can fill up, and you’ll get your second choice.


[FAQ] Which methods of payment do you accept?

We can accept Visa/MasterCard.

[FAQ] Is it possible to obtain a payment plan?

No, we do not offer payment plans.

General Questions

[FAQ] What are the expectations for writers attending Yale Writers’ Workshop?

Attendees in all programs, though especially the on-campus program, should understand Yale University is committed to maintaining and strengthening educational, working, and living environments founded on civility and mutual respect in which students, faculty, and staff are connected by strong bonds of intellectual dependence and trust. Any type of harassment or misconduct that is antithetical to the standards and ideals of our community will not be tolerated. The program director, and Yale summer staff will handle any disputes between attendees, and if necessary, the Yale police. All attendees should be mindful of their conduct on and off campus. We seek a nurturing environment but if problems arise, writers may be asked to leave the program. No smoking or alcohol is permitted on campus.

[FAQ] How does the Yale Writers’ Workshop differ from other programs?

Unlike many programs our admission is selective. But despite—or perhaps because of—competitive submissions, the program’s environment is collegial and friendly. We don’t distinguish the published from the unpublished and encourage all writers to find their voice. The program is immersive. You have access to faculty and visiting writers, plus we invite publishing professionals who offer an insider’s perspective on the craft and business of writing. Plus, we’ve established partnerships with magazines and presses to establish submission periods exclusively for YWW participants. And finally, our alumni community is strong and supportive after the last workshop ends.

[FAQ] I’ve never been to a writing workshop, what should I expect?

First, the program is appropriate for emerging as well as published writers working on new material. Our emphasis is on the craft of writing, from the identification of what’s working on the page, and then the transference of that knowledge to a writer’s own stories or essays. Writers spend time in workshops, attending craft lectures, and readings, as well as swapping stories over meals on campus and during the remote session. Prior to the start of the program, you’ll read and comment on manuscripts from the other writers in your workshop section. Plan your time accordingly. You don’t want to arrive unprepared to discuss your peers’ work. Your workshop instructor may also assign reading and writing assignments. In addition, writers should arrive prepared to write. The creative environment of the Yale program will summon your muse. Be prepared to meet the call.

[FAQ] What does it take to be a published writer?

If you dedicate yourself to the craft of writing, publishing will take care of itself. Just keep your butt in the chair and be nice. The successful writer doesn't leave the room when it gets hard. Here is a link to a video the YWW director produced featuring writers who practice this advice.

[FAQ] What else can I do to prepare?

1. Review the list of invited guests and read their books, publications, or body of work to be better prepared to hear their presentations.

2. Buy a new journal. Start exercising your writing muscles by writing daily, just a few minutes in the chair each day will establish a writing process. Journaling will spark many writing ideas.

3.  Read. Read a ton in your chosen genre. Plus, read author interviews with writers you admire.

[FAQ] When is my manuscript due?

Manuscripts are due to your workshop instructor by May 5th.

[FAQ] How do I submit the manuscript?

Your workshop instructor will get in touch with you about how they would like you to submit your manuscript.

[FAQ]Will the program get me published?

Many people say, focus on writing, and publishing will take care of itself. Both sessions present opportunities for writers to better understand the literary marketplace, and their place in it, but more importantly, learn what publishing professionals seek. We invite literary editors, writers, and agents to discuss the craft of writing and the marketplace. Some years we have set up a special submission period for our attendees to submit to visiting magazines. Writers with book-length manuscripts completed have the opportunity to pitch to agents during the first on-campus session. While we can’t guarantee publication, many of our alumni have published manuscripts revised at the workshop. You may be next.

[FAQ] What is the difference between the on-campus workshops and the remote Workshops?

Both offer specific craft instruction on your work in a nurturing environment, but the on-ground workshop allows for more time for feedback on revising manuscripts, plus, social events that can’t be replicated online. That said, both offer terrific guest writer craft talks, and most importantly, structured workshops to review your writing. Alumni of our remote session tell us our program creates a high amount of community engagement though virtual meetings and open mic nights. Review both schedules and if you have questions please contact us directly.

[FAQ] What is the age of YWW participants?

Writers must be over the age of 18. We have had participants from 18 years of age to 90 years of age attend.

[FAQ] Can writers living outside of the United States apply?

Yes, the remote week of workshops allows you to attend virtually.

[FAQ]What platform will be used for the online Workshops?

Yale uses Canvas for distance learning. We will provide instructions for use, links to online resources, and a short training video on how to use the platform, plus, we will have a staff member on-call to answer your tech questions. Your workshops in the remote week will be conducted over Zoom.

[FAQ]For the remote workshop, can I keep working and attend the program?

That decision is up to you. You will need time to read and comment on your peers’ manuscripts prior to the start, and then have time during the week for assignments and written exercises to maximize the experience. We have staggered the workshop times—morning and afternoon—so participants can pick a workshop that fits their schedule and time zone. All evening programming will be recorded. Workshops will not be recorded. Workshop attendance is mandatory.

[FAQ] What guidelines should participants follow to ensure a positive and respectful workshop experience at the Yale Writers' Workshop?

Our goal is to support creative innovation and positive collaboration between our students. Respect for all identities and a safe, productive classroom space is an essential part of this equation. At the same time, art is a place to explore difficult questions. We are here to nurture freedom of expression, including the necessity of telling challenging and confrontational stories. Please read about out best practices for the Yale Writers' Workshop Experience.

[FAQ] How does the Yale Writers' Workshop handle COVID-19?

If you have symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, please refer to the guidance below to manage your care. Individual medical concerns should be directed to your primary health care provider. 

Yale Health COVID-19 Information

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Whether you're a seasoned writer or just beginning to explore your creative potential, our workshop is designed to provide you with the tools, guidance, and community you need to grow as a writer. Here, you’ll find answers to commonly asked questions about our programs, offerings, and how you can get involved. Whether you're curious about our course structure, submission guidelines, or any other details, we've got you covered to help you make the most of your writing journey with us.


[FAQ] How do I apply?

Visit Admission.

[FAQ]What should my submission be like?

A writing sample is required to complete your application. The sample must be about 1,000 words and submitted as a Word document. Include your name on each page. Please use font size 12. If your writing sample is more than 1,000 words only the first portion will be reviewed for admission. Your writing sample needs to be specific to the genre of the workshop to which you are applying.

[FAQ] What do you look for in a writing sample?

Writers attend the workshop to improve their writing, so we expect to read work-in-progress not super-polished completed stories. (Do NOT submit published work.) That said, the sample should demonstrate an understanding of basic elements of the craft such as point of view, grammar, and punctuation. Our best advice: prior to submission, invite a writer friend to read and comment on your submission, and read it aloud to yourself. We’re eager to read your work.

[FAQ] When will I learn if I have been accepted to the program?

Admission decisions will be released approximately one week after the submission of your complete application.  We review applications on a rolling admission process.

[FAQ] Does my writing sample have to be the same thing I intend to present in the workshop?

For the application, we are interested in getting a sense of your writing. You may submit a different manuscript to your workshop leader.

[FAQ] I don’t have any work of the length requested for the writing sample. Can I submit several shorter pieces?

Yes, but remember, whatever you submit has to be appropriate for that workshop. Please combine all pages into one document for uploading with your application.

[FAQ] Can I submit a writing sample outside the genre? For example, even if I am applying for fiction, can I submit an essay or poetry?

No. Please submit a writing sample appropriate to the genre of your workshop choice. Submitted genre must match the workshop genre. Please do not submit poetry for a fiction workshop.

[FAQ] Can I attend both the On-Ground and the Remote Program?

Yes, but be sure to review the demand of the commitment. You’ll be responsible to read work for both workshops.

[FAQ] Can I submit letters of recommendation?

It is not necessary, as your application is evaluated exclusively on the strength of your writing.

[FAQ] If I am accepted, what do I have to do to hold my place?

Remit payment by the deadline. Writers are enrolled in order of payment. For that reason, if you delay payment, your first choice workshop can fill up, and you’ll get your second choice.


[FAQ] Which methods of payment do you accept?

We can accept Visa/MasterCard.

[FAQ] Is it possible to obtain a payment plan?

No, we do not offer payment plans.

General Questions

[FAQ] What are the expectations for writers attending Yale Writers’ Workshop?

Attendees in all programs, though especially the on-campus program, should understand Yale University is committed to maintaining and strengthening educational, working, and living environments founded on civility and mutual respect in which students, faculty, and staff are connected by strong bonds of intellectual dependence and trust. Any type of harassment or misconduct that is antithetical to the standards and ideals of our community will not be tolerated. The program director, and Yale summer staff will handle any disputes between attendees, and if necessary, the Yale police. All attendees should be mindful of their conduct on and off campus. We seek a nurturing environment but if problems arise, writers may be asked to leave the program. No smoking or alcohol is permitted on campus.

[FAQ] How does the Yale Writers’ Workshop differ from other programs?

Unlike many programs our admission is selective. But despite—or perhaps because of—competitive submissions, the program’s environment is collegial and friendly. We don’t distinguish the published from the unpublished and encourage all writers to find their voice. The program is immersive. You have access to faculty and visiting writers, plus we invite publishing professionals who offer an insider’s perspective on the craft and business of writing. Plus, we’ve established partnerships with magazines and presses to establish submission periods exclusively for YWW participants. And finally, our alumni community is strong and supportive after the last workshop ends.

[FAQ] I’ve never been to a writing workshop, what should I expect?

First, the program is appropriate for emerging as well as published writers working on new material. Our emphasis is on the craft of writing, from the identification of what’s working on the page, and then the transference of that knowledge to a writer’s own stories or essays. Writers spend time in workshops, attending craft lectures, and readings, as well as swapping stories over meals on campus and during the remote session. Prior to the start of the program, you’ll read and comment on manuscripts from the other writers in your workshop section. Plan your time accordingly. You don’t want to arrive unprepared to discuss your peers’ work. Your workshop instructor may also assign reading and writing assignments. In addition, writers should arrive prepared to write. The creative environment of the Yale program will summon your muse. Be prepared to meet the call.

[FAQ] What does it take to be a published writer?

If you dedicate yourself to the craft of writing, publishing will take care of itself. Just keep your butt in the chair and be nice. The successful writer doesn't leave the room when it gets hard. Here is a link to a video the YWW director produced featuring writers who practice this advice.

[FAQ] What else can I do to prepare?

1. Review the list of invited guests and read their books, publications, or body of work to be better prepared to hear their presentations.

2. Buy a new journal. Start exercising your writing muscles by writing daily, just a few minutes in the chair each day will establish a writing process. Journaling will spark many writing ideas.

3.  Read. Read a ton in your chosen genre. Plus, read author interviews with writers you admire.

[FAQ] When is my manuscript due?

Manuscripts are due to your workshop instructor by May 5th.

[FAQ] How do I submit the manuscript?

Your workshop instructor will get in touch with you about how they would like you to submit your manuscript.

[FAQ]Will the program get me published?

Many people say, focus on writing, and publishing will take care of itself. Both sessions present opportunities for writers to better understand the literary marketplace, and their place in it, but more importantly, learn what publishing professionals seek. We invite literary editors, writers, and agents to discuss the craft of writing and the marketplace. Some years we have set up a special submission period for our attendees to submit to visiting magazines. Writers with book-length manuscripts completed have the opportunity to pitch to agents during the first on-campus session. While we can’t guarantee publication, many of our alumni have published manuscripts revised at the workshop. You may be next.

[FAQ] What is the difference between the on-campus workshops and the remote Workshops?

Both offer specific craft instruction on your work in a nurturing environment, but the on-ground workshop allows for more time for feedback on revising manuscripts, plus, social events that can’t be replicated online. That said, both offer terrific guest writer craft talks, and most importantly, structured workshops to review your writing. Alumni of our remote session tell us our program creates a high amount of community engagement though virtual meetings and open mic nights. Review both schedules and if you have questions please contact us directly.

[FAQ] What is the age of YWW participants?

Writers must be over the age of 18. We have had participants from 18 years of age to 90 years of age attend.

[FAQ] Can writers living outside of the United States apply?

Yes, the remote week of workshops allows you to attend virtually.

[FAQ]What platform will be used for the online Workshops?

Yale uses Canvas for distance learning. We will provide instructions for use, links to online resources, and a short training video on how to use the platform, plus, we will have a staff member on-call to answer your tech questions. Your workshops in the remote week will be conducted over Zoom.

[FAQ]For the remote workshop, can I keep working and attend the program?

That decision is up to you. You will need time to read and comment on your peers’ manuscripts prior to the start, and then have time during the week for assignments and written exercises to maximize the experience. We have staggered the workshop times—morning and afternoon—so participants can pick a workshop that fits their schedule and time zone. All evening programming will be recorded. Workshops will not be recorded. Workshop attendance is mandatory.

[FAQ] What guidelines should participants follow to ensure a positive and respectful workshop experience at the Yale Writers' Workshop?

Our goal is to support creative innovation and positive collaboration between our students. Respect for all identities and a safe, productive classroom space is an essential part of this equation. At the same time, art is a place to explore difficult questions. We are here to nurture freedom of expression, including the necessity of telling challenging and confrontational stories. Please read about out best practices for the Yale Writers' Workshop Experience.

[FAQ] How does the Yale Writers' Workshop handle COVID-19?

If you have symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, please refer to the guidance below to manage your care. Individual medical concerns should be directed to your primary health care provider. 

Yale Health COVID-19 Information

Yale Summer Session 2025