ECON S117E (CRN: 30763)
Dates: H5B
Meeting Times: TTh 9.45-11.15
Distributional Requirements: LMRM, SUCR, YCQR, YCSO
Session A and B courses closed to further enrollment. Online Course. Introduction to data analysis from the beginning of the econometrics sequence; exposure to modern empirical economics; and development of credible economic analysis. This course emphasizes working directly and early with data, through such economic examples as studies of environmental/natural resource economics, intergenerational mobility, discrimination, and finance. Topics include: probability, statistics, and sampling; selection, causation and causal inference; regression and model specification; and machine learning and big data. Prerequisites: ECON 108, 110, 115, or equivalent and familiarity with single variable calculus. Students who have taken ECON 131 may not receive major credit for this course. Enrollment limited to 20 students. For college students and beyond. 1 Credit. Session A: May 27 – June 28. Session B: July 1 – August 2. Tuition: $5070. Technology Fee: $85. (View syllabus)