ECON S116E (CRN: 30761)
Dates: H5B
Course Mode: LMRM, SUCR, YCSO
Meeting Times: TTh 10.00-11.30
Distributional Requirements: LMRM, SUCR, YCSO
Online Course. An introduction to basic macroeconomic concepts and theories, such as national income accounting, theories of growth, inflation, unemployment, business cycles, fiscal and monetary policy, banking, finance, and economic crises, with special emphasis on the recent financial crisis. Prerequisite: ECON 108, 110, 115 or equivalent. Enrollment limited to 20 students. For college students and beyond. 1 Credit. Session A: May 27 – June 28. Session B: July 1 – August 2. Tuition: $5070. Technology Fee: $85. (View syllabus)