Study Abroad Summer Session MyYSS

Yale College Students

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Photo by Mara Lavitt

Application Requirements


Our application for Summer 2024 courses and programs is now closed. The 2025 application will open in mid-January 2025.

Course Information for Yale College Students

You will select the courses you'd like to take in your online application. Because of the condensed nature of the summer courses, there is no Add-Drop Period during Summer Session. In addition, the window for changing courses is very short. Once you are admitted to a course, you will receive grades unless you drop the course or withdraw by filling out a form online. If you need advice on whether YSS courses fulfill requirements for your Yale College degree, see your residential college dean, DUS, or other academic adviser. For other questions about YSS course selection, please contact Alexander Rosas, Dean of International and Summer Programs for Yale College, at

Yale Summer Ses​sion Financial Assistance

Yale Summer Session offers financial assistance to Yale College students on financial aid. In addition, Yale College students may also be eligible for additional financial assistance. See Financial Assistance for more information.

Yale College students may also apply to be a member of the residential life staff. As a Residential Counselor, students receive free room and board for the orientation period and the ten weeks of summer session, plus a tuition waiver for the equivalent of one summer course credit. Other residential life staff positions with varying levels of compensation are available.

Yale Summer Session 2024

Date: Session A:
May 27 - June 28, 2024

Session B:
July 1 - August 2, 2024