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[cal] Yale Summer Session 2025

Session A: May 26 - June 27 | Apply by May 9

Session B: June 30 - August 1 | Apply by May 23

Pertinent Dates and Deadlines for Newly-Admitted Yale College Students

DeadlineSession ASession B
Newly-Admitted First-Years Application**Friday, May 9Friday, May 23
Contact SAS for Disability-Related AccommodationsMonday, April 21Friday, May 30
Immunizations:  Compliancen/aFriday, May 30
Payments DueFriday, May 16Friday, June 20
Last Day to Change CoursesFriday, May 16Friday, June 20
Housing Check-InSunday, May 25Sunday, June 29
First Day of ClassesMonday, May 26Monday, June 30
Drop a Course for a 100% Tuition Refund or CreditFriday, May 30, at 5:00pm EDTFriday, July 4, at 5:00pm EDT
Drop a Course for a 50% Tuition Refund or Credit***Friday, June 6, at 5:00pm EDTFriday, July 11, at 5:00pm EDT
Drop a Course Without a "W" Mark on the TranscriptWednesday, June 11, at 5:00pm EDTWednesday, July 16, at 5:00pm EDT
Convert a Course from a Letter Grade to the Credit/D/Fail Option or Withdraw from a Course****Friday, June 27, at 5:00pm EDTFriday, August 1, at 5:00pm EDT
Last Day of ClassesFriday, June 27Friday, August 1
Summer Colleges CloseFriday, June 27, at 6:00pm EDTSaturday, August 2, at 9:00am EDT


*Visiting international students attending YSS in New Haven must have a visa and must be enrolled full time. Students taking YSS courses for credit in New Haven must take two courses (2 credits total), with at least one course in-person, per session.

**Newly admitted Yale College first-year students may only take online courses in Session A.

***No course tuition will be refunded if a student drops a course or withdraws entirely from Yale Summer Session after Friday of the second week of the relevant five-week session at 5:00pm EDT.

****Please see the Student Handbook for eligibility criteria. To be eligible for the Credit/D/Fail option in Yale Summer Session courses in New Haven and online, a student must be enrolled in at least two courses in a single five-week session, Session A or Session B, at least one credit of which must remain at all times for a letter grade or the mark of Pass.

[point] For Yale Summer Session Programs Abroad visit Yale Study Abroad for program dates and all other program information.

Students are advised to review carefully the Yale Summer Session Student Handbook for the relevant academic regulations.

Yale Summer Session 2025