Supporting Eligible Students Impacted by the Pandemic
Yale Summer Session (YSS) COVID-19 Courses and Housing Subsidies are designed to support eligible students impacted by the pandemic. This page provides important details about eligibility, scheduling, credits earned, course changes, and the option to opt-out of using the courses and subsidies. Students who qualify for these accommodations can learn about how they may apply them, what happens if they change or withdraw from courses, and how to manage their YSS COVID-19 benefits. For more information, please explore the frequently asked questions and guidelines provided.
[FAQ] Who is eligible for Yale Summer Session (YSS) COVID-19 Courses?
First-year students and sophomores who enroll for both the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters, with at least one term taken remotely, will earn two courses to be used in Yale Summer Session (YSS) New Haven, Online, or Abroad in any summer before their senior year.
Students who were in the equivalent of their second or fourth term in Fall 2020, and who enroll for both the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 terms with at least one of those terms taken remotely without access to campus (LM4, LM5, LM6), will also be eligible for this special YSS arrangement.
First-year and sophomore students who successfully petitioned to live on campus for both semesters in 2020-2021 are not eligible for YSS COVID-19 Courses, which are for students required to study remotely without access to campus for one semester. Students not eligible for COVID-19 Courses may still enroll in YSS courses and may be eligible for financial assistance.
Eli Whitney students are not eligible for YSS COVID-19 Courses as they were not required to enroll remotely for one term in 2020-21.
Please note that YSS COVID-19 Courses cover the cost of tuition and technology fees, if applicable. The application fee may be waived for some students. See Financial Assistance for information.
[FAQ] Who is eligible for the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy, and how much is the subsidy?
First-year students and sophomores who enroll for both the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters, with at least one term taken remotely, may be eligible for additional financial support to subsidize on-campus room and board for one five-week Session provided they meet the following requirements: 1) they must receive financial aid through Yale College, and 2) they must use both of the YSS COVID-19 Courses to enroll in two courses either in New Haven, Online, or a combination of the two, in the same five-week Session.
The YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy is based on the percentage of financial aid support the student received in the previous academic year. Information on a student's financial aid percentage is available on each student's Yale Hub portal as the Safety Net Percentage.
The YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy may only be used for on-campus housing. Students who split the YSS COVID-19 Courses either across Sessions or summers are not eligible for the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy.
For details regarding the use of the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy for YSS Programs Abroad that start in New Haven, visit the Yale Study Abroad website.
[FAQ] If a student fails or withdraws from a course during one of the 2020-21 semesters, does the student lose their eligibility for YSS COVID-19 Courses?
First-year students and sophomores who remained fully enrolled for both semesters in the 2020-2021 academic-year, regardless of the number of credits earned, will be eligible for the YSS COVID-19 Courses, as long as one of the semesters was taken remotely.
Students in the classes of 2023 and 2024 who withdraw for one or both terms of enrollment during the 2020-2021 academic-year are not eligible for the YSS COVID-19 Courses.
[FAQ] Who is the best resource for questions about eligibility for YSS COVID-19 Courses and the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy?
Undergraduate Financial Aid is the best resource for questions regarding eligibility for YSS COVID-19 Courses and the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy. Contact
Scheduling Courses
[FAQ] Do YSS COVID-19 Courses have to be used in 2021?
Eligible students may use YSS COVID-19 Courses in any summer before they complete their Yale College degree.
YSS will automatically apply earned YSS COVID-19 Courses for eligible students unless the student opts out at the time of application.
[FAQ] May YSS COVID-19 Courses be split between Sessions or between two summers?
YSS COVID-19 Courses may be split between two Sessions or two summers. However, students must take both courses during the same five-week Session to use the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy.
N.B.: The Conservatory for Actors counts as two courses during a single Session and is eligible for the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy.
For YSS Programs Abroad, both YSS COVID-19 Courses must be used together toward the tuition cost of two credits for a single program in the same summer. Visit the Yale Study Abroad website for further details.
For details regarding the use of the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy for YSS Programs Abroad that start in New Haven, visit the Yale Study Abroad website.
[FAQ] May a student use the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy if they enroll in online courses?
Students may use the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy to live on campus while taking online courses, as long as they take both courses during the same Session.
Credits Earned
[FAQ] How many graduation credits can be earned through the YSS COVID-19 Courses?
For YSS courses in New Haven and Online, the number of credits that can be earned varies, depending on which courses the student selects. Typically, a summer course awards 1 credit, but laboratory courses, which award 0.5-credit, will be counted as one of the two YSS COVID-19 Courses and foreign language courses that award 1.5-credits will also each count as one course. Both YSS COVID-19 Courses may be applied towards two laboratory courses, which would earn a student a total of 1 credit, or two foreign language courses that each award 1.5-credits, for a total of 3 credits earned. Students who take two 1-credit courses would earn 2 credits.
However, students must use both YSS COVID-19 Courses for courses that award 2-credits, such as the The Conservatory for Actors.
For YSS Programs Abroad, both YSS COVID-19 Courses must be used together toward the tuition cost of two credits for a single program in the same summer. Visit the Yale Study Abroad website for further details.
Course Changes and Withdrawals
[FAQ] May students using YSS COVID-19 Courses make course changes?
Students must make all course changes by the deadline for each Session posted on the Dates and Deadlines page on the YSS website.
[FAQ] What happens if a student drops one or both of the YSS COVID-19 Courses after the start of the Session?
Students enrolled in YSS COVID-19 Courses in New Haven or Online, who withdraw from one course no later than Friday at 5 p.m. of the first week of the Session will retain the YSS COVID-19 Course and may apply it towards a future Session or summer, except if they are also using the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy.
Students enrolled in YSS COVID-19 Courses in New Haven or Online and using the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy, who withdraw from only one course may retain the housing subsidy, but they will forfeit the dropped course.
Students who withdraw from both YSS COVID-19 Courses in New Haven or Online no later than Friday at 5 p.m. of the first week of the Session will retain the COVID Courses for a future Session or summer. If students withdraw from both courses and are in on-campus housing, they must also withdraw immediately from on-campus housing. Students using the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy may not transfer the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy to a future Session or summer unless they reimburse YSS for the per diem cost of the number of days they occupied on-campus housing.
Students who withdraw from one of two YSS COVID-19 Courses after 5 p.m. on the Friday of the first week will forfeit the dropped course. They may retain the housing subsidy for the balance of the Session. Students who withdraw from both YSS COVID-19 Courses at any time during the Session must immediately withdraw from housing. If the withdrawal occurs after 5 p.m. on the Friday of the first week of the Session, the student will forfeit both YSS COVID-19 Courses and the YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy.Students enrolled in YSS Programs Abroad, should visit the Yale Study Abroad website for further details.
YSS COVID-19 Courses Opt-Out
YSS will automatically apply COVID-19 Courses and/or COVID-19 Housing Subsidies to the accounts of students who are eligible for these accommodations. Eligible students who do not wish to use their COVID-19 Courses in 2021 must opt out. Students may not separate their COVID-19 Courses and Housing Subsidies. For more information on policies governing the use of COVID-19 Courses and Housing Subsidies, see the FAQs above.
Please use this form to choose to opt-out of using your YSS COVID-19 Courses.
Please note: This form is only for Yale College Class of 2023 and 2024 students who have qualified for the YSS COVID-19 Courses and YSS COVID-19 Housing Subsidy. If you are not in that qualified population, this form is not for you.
If you are looking to add or drop courses, housing, or withdraw your application, fill out a Change Form.