Teaching Appointments
Instructors for YSS courses in New Haven and online generally teach only one course per summer and may not teach more than one course per five-week session.
Instructors submit preferences for their five-week session and course modality (on-campus or online) in their original application. In crafting and balancing the summer curriculum and in selecting courses, YSS carefully takes these preferences into account and makes teaching appointments that are specific to a five-week session and a modality. We understand that there may be extraordinary circumstances where an instructor must request a change. Please note that all such requests should be made before the admission application opens for students and are not guaranteed. Requests submitted after this deadline may be denied and the course thus canceled. For purposes of effort reporting on Federal grants, teaching a one- or 1.5-credit course in YSS is considered to constitute 80% of the faculty member’s effort during the five weeks of teaching. Thus, no more than 20% of the faculty member’s salary may be charged to other sources during any week in which the faculty member is teaching a course in YSS. Teaching a two-credit course or an intensive course that meets during a part of a five-week session (such as the 2.5-week biology courses) is considered to constitute 100% effort during the period when the faculty member is teaching. Thus, no part of the faculty member’s salary may be charged to other sources during any week in which the faculty member is teaching a two-credit or intensive course in YSS.
Faculty members holding full-time, twelve-month appointments, and Managerial and Professional staff holding full-time appointments during the summer, are not permitted to receive additional compensation for teaching in YSS. With permission of their home departments, they may teach in YSS and charge a portion of their salary to YSS. Postdoctoral scholars must work with their Operations Managers to determine if a YSS position can be held concurrently with their postdoctoral position, or if some reduction in effort in that position is necessary and acceptable. Note that postdoctoral scholars receiving funding from non-Yale sources are rarely eligible for a YSS teaching position.
Instructors are responsible for grading any extended or make-up work, authorized under Yale Summer Session regulations, after the grade submission deadline.
Faculty members who agree to supervise a student in an Independent Research in the Summer course (IDRS S300) will not receive additional compensation.
As per Connecticut state law and Yale’s commitment to ensuring a harassment-free workplace environment, all employees, including visiting summer instructors, are required to complete sexual harassment prevention training. Please visit the Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility website at https://oiea.yale.edu/education-and-training to learn more and access the training.
Salaries for teaching in YSS are determined by the Provost’s Office and the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and your payment date(s) will be set based on the timing of your course. All Yale affiliated instructors must also fill out a Faculty Salary Confirmation Form to ensure accurate effort reporting. Graduate Students must fill out a Graduate Student Confirmation Form. These forms will be emailed to confirmed instructors in early spring.
Please ensure that all payment information is correct in Workday. YSS cannot change your address or mode of payment on your behalf. All payment amounts listed in offer letters denote the gross total that you will receive. Please keep in mind that taxes are withheld from all salaries at Yale. If you believe that your payment amount is incorrect, please check your pay slip in Workday before reaching out to the YSS team.
Attention NEW Instructors: Instructors new to Yale must fill out the appropriate tax forms including an I-9, W4 Federal and W4 Connecticut. The I-9 must be completed at the Employee Service Center at 221 Whitney Avenue in person with the appropriate ID(s). Others may wish to change their withholdings as the additional summer salary may alter their overall tax liability. Instructors may also sign up for direct deposit. Instructors should note that the first check may not be processed in time to be deposited directly and therefore a paper check may be produced. Most tax forms (Federal and CT W4s, and direct deposit forms) should be completed through Workday. The I-9 must first be completed electronically through Workday. Then instructors must visit the Employee Services Center at 221 Whitney Avenue with proper ID to complete the process before their first day of class.
NetID and Pin
If you are a visiting faculty member, you will receive your Yale NetID and PIN after your appointment is complete. You will use this information to log into Workday to update your personal and contact information, submit an I-9, and complete other outstanding hiring tasks, including submitting direct deposit forms and required tax documents. Please check your inbox in Workday for any other required tasks.
New and visiting instructors must complete I-9 verification in Workday and schedule an appointment with Employee Services at 221 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, Connecticut 06511. For more information, please contact Employee Services: https://your.yale.edu/work-yale/support/employee-services.
Please note that Yale will deactivate your NetID at the end of the summer appointment. If you are appointed again for the following summer, your NetID will be reactivated. Please retain any relevant information or materials from your Canvas site in case you need to answer students’ questions or refer to student work after your course has concluded.
Yale ID and Email
If you do not have a Yale identification card, we will arrange for one to be printed. We will contact you for a photo and have the ID card printed prior to your first class. Your ID card is necessary to enter most Yale buildings and to swipe into the dining halls.
Yale will also provide a Yale e-mail address to visiting instructors. This e-mail account will be terminated when your appointment ends. Please provide your students with an alternate, non-Yale e-mail address should they have questions for you after your course ends, and retain any other information or materials that you may need from your Yale e-mail account.
Canvas Access
You will have a Canvas shell for your course, which you can access with your NetID and password. Course space for individual Summer Session courses will be automatically created on the Canvas server around mid-April. Please go to http://canvas.yale.edu and log in with your Yale NetID and password to access your page. Online instructors should work with their Online Support Assistant for help with Canvas and all other instructors should email canvas@yale.edu with questions.
All YSS instructors who are having trouble accessing their Canvas site should reach out to yss.academicaffairs@yale.edu for assistance.
If you need parking while you are teaching for YSS, please contact Parking and Transit Services. YSS does not cover or reimburse any costs related to travel or parking on campus for your courses.
Additional Benefits
If you are an instructor for an in-person course, YSS will load ten meals onto your ID card for use throughout your course and to encourage further conversations with your students. These meals can be redeemed in the dining halls assigned for the YSS Summer Colleges, to which your ID card should provide you access. Instructors who use their ten meals have the option to add more meals using the credit card pay option through Dining Services. Please note: Meal benefits are extended to instructors only; Summer Assistants do not receive meal swipes.
Dining Hours: Breakfast 7:30am-10:30am, Lunch 11:30am-2:00pm, Dinner 5pm-7:30pm
Gym Access
If you are teaching an in-person course, you may also utilize the Payne Whitney Gymnasium (PWG) during the ten weeks of summer session at no charge to you. YSS will cover your PWG use. Optional locker and towel service must be purchased separately. Use the link provided to learn more about PWG and create a membership with PWG Member Services. We highly recommend that you book an appointment during the summer to process a membership.
University Statements and Policies
Important University Statements and Policies
YSS Program Abroad
Please refer to the YSS Program Abroad Faculty Toolkit.