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Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World

HIST S402 (CRN: 30318) | Syllabus

Instructors: Joseph Manning
Dates: Session B, June 30 - August 1, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: MWF 9.00-11.15
Distributional Requirements: Humanities
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

In-person Course. The history and culture of the ancient world between the rise of Macedonian imperialism in the fourth century B.C.E. and the annexation of Egypt by Augustus in 30 B.C.E. Particular attention to Alexander, one of the most important figures in world history, and to the definition of "Hellenism." 1 Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Tuition: $5270.

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