HSAR S223 (CRN: 30216)
Instructors: Mitchell Herrmann
Dates: Session B, June 30 - August 1, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: TTh 1.00-4.15
Distributional Requirements: Humanities, Writing
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students
In-person Course. This course surveys the major global modern art movements from 1945 to the present. Topics include abstraction, pop art, minimalism, video installations, performance, conceptualism, land art, appropriation, and institutional critique. The works of prominent artists will be examined within their broader historical, political, and social contexts. Emphasis is placed upon the intersections between artistic practice and issues of race, gender, class, and sexuality. Students will be introduced to various methodologies employed by art historians, particularly close visual analysis. Seminar discussions make extensive use of the collections in the Yale University Art Gallery and Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library. 1 Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Tuition: $5270.