CHEM S221 (CRN: 30071) | Syllabus
Instructors: Jonathan Parr
Dates: Session B, June 30 - August 1, 2025
Course Mode: In-Person
Meeting Times: TTh 11.00-12.00, M-F 9.30-10.45
Distributional Requirements: Science
Eligibility: Open to college students only
In-person Course. The fundamental principles of organic chemistry. Aldehydes and ketones, strategies in organic synthesis, carboxylic acid derivatives, carbonyl condensation reactions, sulfur and phosphorus compounds, bifunctional molecules, carbohydrates, organic nitrogen compounds, amino acids and proteins. Prerequisite: CHEM S220. The organic chemistry courses (CHEM S220/S221) with laboratories (CHEM S222/S223), satisfy departmental requirements for the major, and are appropriate for students seeking to fulfill medical school requirements. Enrollment limited to 36 students. For college students and beyond. 1 Credit. Session B: June 30 – August 1. Tuition: $5270.