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Shakespeare: Histories and Tragedies

ENGL S201E (CRN: 30114)

Instructors: David Kastan
Dates: Session A, May 26 - June 27, 2025
Course Mode: Online
Meeting Times: TTh 9.00-12.15
Distributional Requirements: Humanities, Writing
Eligibility: Open to pre-college and college students

Online Course. The class is is designed to explore examples of Shakespeare’s Histories and Tragedies, trying to see what makes them great in the way that almost all readers and audiences have recognized (and also to think about what the generic disinction means and how useful it might be). The course attempts to discover the reasons for Shakespeare’s unparalleled success, not in some fantasy of his timelessness but by seeing the plays as deeply embedded in the history of their own moment, as well as in later histories, including our own, which they in some part are responsible for. We will think about these as plays to be performed, as drama to be read, and as texts that have been constructed by the activities of various people, Shakespeare of course the first among them. There will be a short writing assignment for each session and a final project. Enrollment limited to 20 students. 1 Credit. Session A: May 26 – June 27. Tuition: $5270. Technology Fee: $85.

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