These syllabi are provided as a reference for students, but are subject to change prior to the start of the course. Summer 2024 syllabi will be added to this page as they are received from the instructors.
FAQ: African American Studies
AFAM S310E - African and Afro-Diasporic Liberation Movements: The Black Radical Tradition
AFAM S312E - Geographies of Freedom: Race, Space, and Gender in the Caribbean
FAQ: African Studies
AFST S310E - African and Afro-Diasporic Liberation Movements: The Black Radical Tradition
FAQ: American Studies
AMST S310E - Geographies of Freedom: Race, Space, and Gender in the Caribbean
AMST S348 - Space, Place, and Landscape
AMST S350E - Drama in Diaspora: South Asian American Theater and Performance
FAQ: Anthropology
ANTH S110 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH S264E - Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory
ANTH S308E - Feminist & Queer Ethnographies: Dystopia, Catastrophe, Extinction
ANTH S324E - Race, Inequality, Urban Education and Housing Policy
ANTH S423 - The Anthropology of Possible Worlds
ANTH S462 - Global Health Ethnography
ANTH S473E - Climate Change, Societal Collapse and Resilience
FAQ: Applied Physics
APHY S120 - Energy, Environment, and Policy
APHY S151E - Multivariable Calculus for Engineers
APHY S194E - Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations with Applications
FAQ: Arabic
FAQ: Archeological Studies
ARCG S264E - Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory
ARCG S473E - Climate Change, Societal Collapse and Resilience
FAQ: Architecture
ARCH S242 - Globalization and Architecture in and through China
FAQ: Art
ART S138 - Introduction to Digital Photography (Session B)
FAQ: American Sign Language
FAQ: Astronomy
FAQ: Biology
BIOL S105 - Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Cell Biology
FAQ: Chemical Engineering
CENG S105E - Introduction to Green Energy Systems (GES)
CENG S150E - Engineering Improv: An Introduction to Engineering Analysis
FAQ: Chemistry
CHEM S101 - Chemistry in Context
CHEM S134L - General Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM S136L - General Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM S161 - General Chemistry I
CHEM S165 - General Chemistry II
CHEM S220 - Organic Chemistry I
CHEM S221 - Organic Chemistry II
FAQ: Child Study
FAQ: Classical Civilization
FAQ: Cognitive Science
FAQ: Computer Science
CPSC S100 - Introduction to Computing and Programming
CPSC S112 - Introduction to Programming
CPSC S202 - Mathematical Tools for Computer Science
CPSC S365 - Algorithms
FAQ: Earth and Planetary Sciences
FAQ: East Asian Languages and Literature
FAQ: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
FAQ: Economics
ECON S115E - Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON S116E - Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON S117E - Introduction to Data Analysis and Econometrics
ECON S281E - Causes and Consequences of Corruption
ECON S328 - Topics in International Economics
ECON S365 - Algorithms
FAQ: Education Studies
EDST S255E - Race, Inequality, and Urban Education and Housing Policy
FAQ: Energy Studies
FAQ: Engineering and Applied Science
ENAS S120 - Energy, Environment, and Public Policy
ENAS S151E - Multivariable Calculus for Engineers
ENAS S194E - Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations with Applications
FAQ: English
ENGL S114 - Writing Seminars I (30690)
ENGL S114E - Writing Seminars I (30771)
ENGL S114E - Writing Seminars I (30772)
ENGL S120E - Reading and Writing the Modern Essay
ENGL S123E - Introduction to Creative Writing
ENGL S127E - Readings in American Literature
ENGL S256 - Writing about Family
ENGL S287E - Literature and the Future
ENGL S404 - Reading Fiction for Craft
ENGL S409E - Introduction to Poetry
ENGL S410 - Introduction to Creative Nonfiction
FAQ: Environmental Studies
EVST S121 - Energy, Environment, and Public Policy
EVST S234 - Global Climate Governance
EVST S304 - Space, Place, and Landscape
EVST S473E - Climate Change, Societal Collapse, and Resilience
FAQ: Ethics, Politics and Economics
EP&E S270 - Lies and Deception
EP&E S306E - First Amendment and the Ethics of Law
EP&E S399E - Digital Platforms and Cultural Production
EP&E S421E - Death Penalty, Wrongful Convictions and Criminal Justice Through the Lens of Film
FAQ: Ethnicity, Race, and Migration
ER&M S295E - Digital Platforms and Cultural Production
ER&M S305 - Race, Ethnicity and Migration in Asian Perspectives
ER&M S310E - African and Afro-Diasporic Liberation Movements: The Black Radical Tradition
ER&M S312E - Geographies of Freedom: Race, Space, and Gender in the Caribbean
ER&M S319E - Drama in Diaspora: South Asian American Theater and Performance
ER&M S369 - Cultural Politics of Borderlands Literatures and Sounds
ER&M S381 - Space, Place, and Landscape
ER&M S391 - Histories of Racism in Science, Medicine, and the University
FAQ: Film & Media Studies
FILM S190E - Introduction to East Asian Cinema
FILM S208E - Money and Media: The Business of Hollywood
FILM S268E - Digital Platforms and Cultural Production
FAQ: French
FAQ: German
GMAN S190 - The Logic of Dreams
GMAN S999E - German for Reading
FAQ: Global Affairs
GLBL S343E - Disinformation and Democracy (2023 syllabus)
FAQ: History
HIST S118E - What Didn't Make it into the Bible
HIST S154E - Early Modern Travel Narratives of the Americas
HIST S179J - Poverty and Public Health in 20th Century US History
HIST S268J - The Global Right: From the French Revolution to the American Insurrection
HIST S420 - Global Warming - The Historical Context of Climate Change
FAQ: History of Art
FAQ: History of Science and Medicine
HSHM S455 - Histories of Racism in Science, Medicine, and the University
HSHM S461 - Poverty and Public Health in 20th Century US History
FAQ: Humanities
HUMS S106 - Archive, Book, Record: An Introduction to Yale's Special Collections
HUMS S221 - The Logic of Dreams
HUMS S225 - Medicine and the Humanities: Certainty and Unknowing
FAQ: Italian
FAQ: Judaic Studies
JDST S351 - The Global Right: From the French Revolution to the American Insurrection
FAQ: Latin
LATN S110 - Beginning Latin: The Elements of Latin Grammar
LATN S120 - Beginning Latin: Review of Grammar and Selected Readings
FAQ: Linguistics
FAQ: Literature
LITR S105 - Archive, Book, Record: An Introduction to Yale's Special Collections
LITR S130 - Bilingual Imaginaries: Thinking, Writing, and Living across Languages
FAQ: Mathematics
MATH S112E - Calculus of Functions of One Variable I
MATH S115E - Calculus of Functions of One Variable II
MATH S118E - Introduction to Functions of Several Variables
MATH S120E - Calculus of Functions of Several Variables
FAQ: Mechanical Engineering
MENG S280E - Mechanical Engineering I: Strength and Deformation of Mechanical Elements
FAQ: Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry
FAQ: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
FAQ: Music
MUSI S110E - Elements of Musical Pitch and Time
MUSI S121E - 1000 Years of Love Songs
MUSI S207 - Commercial Popular Music Theory
MUSI S265E - Introduction to Jazz, Race, and Gender
MUSI S290E - Electronic Dance Music: Fundamentals
FAQ: Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
NELC S117E - What Didn't Make it into the Bible
NELC S473E - Climate Change, Societal Collapse, and Resilience
FAQ: Neuroscience
FAQ: Philosophy
PHIL S110 - Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL S125E - Introduction to Ancient Philosophy
PHIL S152E - Moralities of Everyday Life
PHIL S178 - Introduction to Political Philosophy
PHIL S183 - Philosophy and Technology
PHIL S203 - Ancient Chinese Thought
FAQ: Physics
PHYS S120 - Energy, Environment, and Public Policy
PHYS S165L - General Physics Laboratory
PHYS S166L - General Physics Laboratory
FAQ: Political Science
PLSC S143 - Global Climate Governance
PLSC S167 - International Human Rights and Politics
PLSC S227E - The United States Congress
PLSC S228E - First Amendment Freedom of Speech and the Ethics of Law
PLSC S270E - Disinformation and Democracy (2023 syllabus)
PLSC S281 - Trust - and Mistrust
PLSC S336 - Lies and Deception
PLSC S361 - Democratic Backsliding
PLSC S410 - Political Protests
PLSC S466 - The Global Right: From the French Revolution to the American Insurrection
FAQ: Psychology
PSYC S110E - Introduction to Psychology (Session A)
PSYC S110E - Introduction to Psychology (Session B)
PSYC S152E - Moralities of Everyday Life
PSYC S179E - Thinking (Session A)
PSYC S179E - Thinking (Session B)
PSYC S180E - Introduction to Clinical Psychology
PSYC S309E - Multicultural Psychology
PSYC S350E - Autism and Related Disorders
PSYC S434E - The Psychology of Changing One's Mind
FAQ: Religious Studies
RLST S110 - Introduction to Indian Philosophy
RLST S117E - What Didn't Make it into the Bible
RLST S324 - The Global Right: From the French Revolution to the American Insurrection
FAQ: Sociology
SOCY S101 - Introduction to Sociology
SOCY S151E - Foundations of Modern Social Theory
SOCY S164 - Race, Ethnicity and Migration in Asian Perspectives
FAQ: South Asian Studies
SAST S475E - Drama in Diaspora: South Asian American Theater and Performance
FAQ: Spanish
SPAN S110 - Elementary Spanish I
FAQ: Statistics and Data Sciences
FAQ: Theater Studies
THST S343 - Public Speaking
THST S350E - Drama in Diaspora: South Asian American Theater and Performance
FAQ: Urban Studies
FAQ: Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGSS S212E - Reading Sexuality
WGSS S263E - Rye: Cultural History and Embodied Practice
WGSS S308E - Feminist & Queer Ethnographies: Dystopia, Catastrophe, Extinction
WGSS S312E - Geographies of Freedom: Race, Space, and Gender in the Caribbean