Study Abroad Summer Session MyYSS

Immunization Requirements

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Photo by Michael Marsland

Yale University requires students to complete immunization and health forms before they arrive on campus.  You will not be permitted to enroll in in person courses until all the forms are submitted and immunization requirements are met.  Some immunization requirements may take a month or more to complete.

Note: You will not be permitted to live on campus or attend in-person courses until all the forms are submitted and the immunization requirements are met. Please contact your healthcare provider early to ensure compliance by the deadline. Some immunization sequences may take a month or more to complete.

Please submit required documents as soon as you are able. In the event you do not have all the necessary vaccinations and/or titers, completion of next steps can take up to several weeks.

Date: Session A Immunization Document Submission Deadline: April 15, 2024

Session A Immunization Compliance Deadline: May 3, 2024

Session B Immunization Document Submission Deadline: May 20, 2024

Session B Immunization Compliance Deadline: June 7, 2024

Tip: Please see the instructions and forms for Yale Summer Session immunization compliance on the Yale Health website. 

If you have any questions, please email

Who needs to submit Immunization Information?

Please refer to the table below to see if you need to provide your immunization records

Student Type Immunization Records needed?
Enrolled Yale College student Review and Resolve Health Holds
Withdrawn Yale College student Review and Resolve Health Holds
Incoming Yale First Year student Yes
Visiting student, living on campus (Nondegree student) Yes
Visiting student, living off campus, but taking in-person courses (Nondegree student) Yes
Student taking online courses only, not coming to campus No


Please see the instructions and forms for Yale Summer Session immunization compliance on the Yale Health website.  If you have any questions, please email