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This page provides important details on how to pay your Summer Session bill, including when your bill will be generated, accepted payment methods, payment deadlines, and refund policies. Here, you’ll find everything you need to ensure a smooth and timely payment process for your summer at Yale.

Please note that billing for the summer will not generate until late March.

When You Are Billed

Once you are admitted to Yale Summer Session, an invoice for your expenses is automatically generated. You will receive an electronic billing notification to the email address you provided in your online application, prompting you to log into your YalePay account to view your bill.

In order to view your bill, you must have an active Net ID and password. Visiting students will receive instructions for activating their Net IDs and passwords within 10 days of being admitted.

  • Your Account Summary will list the charges due for summer courses.
  • If you apply in the spring (April-June), your Summer Session payment deadline may be earlier than the due date posted on your account statement.  In this case, you should ignore the account statement and pay by the earlier Summer Session payment deadline.
  • It is your responsibility to submit payment in full before your summer class(es) or program begins.

[Point] View your summer balance online in YalePay:

  1. Select Student Log In, and sign in with your Yale Net ID and password.
  2. From the menu, select Account Summary
  3. Click on Make Payment to select payment type (e-Check or wire transfer)
  4. Your account will be updated as soon as Yale Financial Services processes the payment. Electronic payments will be updated immediately; wire transfers within three business days.


Students with outstanding financial obligations, whether for Yale Summer Session or previous terms at Yale, will not be permitted to register for classes. Financial aid loan checks must also be received by Student Financial and Administrative Services by the payment deadlines.

Payment Methods

Yale accepts payments by a check, payment by a third party, payment by an international wire transfer, and payment by a domestic wire transfer.

[Note]At this time, Yale Summer Session is unable to accept credit cards as a method of payment.

Payment plans are not available in Yale Summer Session.

Payment by a Check

Tuition and fees should be made payable to “Yale University.” All payments must be made in U.S. currency. Checks should be payable in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank.

[note] For accurate processing, the student’s name and 9-digit student identification (SID) number must appear on the check. 

Payment by a Third Party

If a third party such as a foundation or a trust is to be billed for any or all of your tuition or fees, please notify Student Accounts at least one month prior to registration. A copy of your award letter or other appropriate documentation must accompany your written request for third party billing.

Payment by an International Wire Transfer (via Flywire)

Payment can be made by an international wire transfer through Flywire, a leading provider of electronic payment solutions, and can be accessed directly from your YalePay account page. Flywire allows you to save on bank fees and exchange rates, track your payment online from start to finish, and have access to 24/7 customer support.

Payment by a Domestic Wire Transfer

Please contact Student Accounts for wire transfers done within the United States.

Student Accounts Contact Information

Yale University
P.O. Box 208232
New Haven, CT 06520

(203) 432-2700

Payment Deadlines

A list of the payment deadlines can be found on our Dates and Deadlines page.

Refund Policies

Yale Summer Session will refund tuition and room and meal payments according to the terms listed below. No refunds will be made unless we have received appropriate written notification. A Yale student's Student Financial Services account will be credited.


A full course tuition refund will be issued if a student notifies the Yale Summer Session office, prior to the start of the relevant five-week session and via the Change Form on the Yale Summer Session website, of their intention not to attend courses in that session.

  1. If a student drops a course or withdraws entirely from Yale Summer Session by Friday of the first week of the relevant five-week session, at 5:00pm EDT, 100% of the course tuition will be refunded or credited. 
  2. If a student drops a course or withdraws entirely from Yale Summer Session by Friday of the second week of the relevant five-week session, at 5:00pm EDT, 50% of the course tuition will be refunded or credited. 
  3. No course tuition will be refunded if a student drops a course or withdraws entirely from Yale Summer Session after Friday of the second week of the relevant five-week session at 5:00pm EDT.

Students are advised to take special note of these deadlines; for consistency and fairness across all Yale Summer Session students, these deadlines are strictly enforced.

The Application Fee and I-20 Processing Fee are non-refundable.

Room and Board

A full room and board refund will be issued if a student notifies the Yale Summer Session Office, prior to the start of the relevant five-week session, of their intention not to attend courses in that session via the Change Form on the Changes & Withdrawals page.

Once a student is in residence, he or she will be entitled to a partial room and meal refund only by vacating the room by Friday at 5:00 p.m. of the first week of classes. No refunds will be made after this time. The student will be charged the rate for room and meals for each of the days in residence. Before a refund can be made the student must have his or her room inspected and then return room keys and ID card (if a visiting student), to the Housing Manager in the Summer Housing Office.

Requesting a Refund

Students can request a refund by emailing

If payment was made using Flywire, once the student initiates a refund request using the email address above, the payment will go back to the person or organization that made the payment.

Billing, Payment, and Refund Information

This page provides important details on how to pay your Summer Session bill, including when your bill will be generated, accepted payment methods, payment deadlines, and refund policies. Here, you’ll find everything you need to ensure a smooth and timely payment process for your summer at Yale.

Please note that billing for the summer will not generate until late March.

When You Are Billed

Once you are admitted to Yale Summer Session, an invoice for your expenses is automatically generated. You will receive an electronic billing notification to the email address you provided in your online application, prompting you to log into your YalePay account to view your bill.

In order to view your bill, you must have an active Net ID and password. Visiting students will receive instructions for activating their Net IDs and passwords within 10 days of being admitted.

  • Your Account Summary will list the charges due for summer courses.
  • If you apply in the spring (April-June), your Summer Session payment deadline may be earlier than the due date posted on your account statement.  In this case, you should ignore the account statement and pay by the earlier Summer Session payment deadline.
  • It is your responsibility to submit payment in full before your summer class(es) or program begins.

[Point] View your summer balance online in YalePay:

  1. Select Student Log In, and sign in with your Yale Net ID and password.
  2. From the menu, select Account Summary
  3. Click on Make Payment to select payment type (e-Check or wire transfer)
  4. Your account will be updated as soon as Yale Financial Services processes the payment. Electronic payments will be updated immediately; wire transfers within three business days.


Students with outstanding financial obligations, whether for Yale Summer Session or previous terms at Yale, will not be permitted to register for classes. Financial aid loan checks must also be received by Student Financial and Administrative Services by the payment deadlines.

Payment Methods

Yale accepts payments by a check, payment by a third party, payment by an international wire transfer, and payment by a domestic wire transfer.

[Note]At this time, Yale Summer Session is unable to accept credit cards as a method of payment.

Payment plans are not available in Yale Summer Session.

Payment by a Check

Tuition and fees should be made payable to “Yale University.” All payments must be made in U.S. currency. Checks should be payable in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank.

[note] For accurate processing, the student’s name and 9-digit student identification (SID) number must appear on the check. 

Payment by a Third Party

If a third party such as a foundation or a trust is to be billed for any or all of your tuition or fees, please notify Student Accounts at least one month prior to registration. A copy of your award letter or other appropriate documentation must accompany your written request for third party billing.

Payment by an International Wire Transfer (via Flywire)

Payment can be made by an international wire transfer through Flywire, a leading provider of electronic payment solutions, and can be accessed directly from your YalePay account page. Flywire allows you to save on bank fees and exchange rates, track your payment online from start to finish, and have access to 24/7 customer support.

Payment by a Domestic Wire Transfer

Please contact Student Accounts for wire transfers done within the United States.

Student Accounts Contact Information

Yale University
P.O. Box 208232
New Haven, CT 06520

(203) 432-2700

Payment Deadlines

A list of the payment deadlines can be found on our Dates and Deadlines page.

Refund Policies

Yale Summer Session will refund tuition and room and meal payments according to the terms listed below. No refunds will be made unless we have received appropriate written notification. A Yale student's Student Financial Services account will be credited.


A full course tuition refund will be issued if a student notifies the Yale Summer Session office, prior to the start of the relevant five-week session and via the Change Form on the Yale Summer Session website, of their intention not to attend courses in that session.

  1. If a student drops a course or withdraws entirely from Yale Summer Session by Friday of the first week of the relevant five-week session, at 5:00pm EDT, 100% of the course tuition will be refunded or credited. 
  2. If a student drops a course or withdraws entirely from Yale Summer Session by Friday of the second week of the relevant five-week session, at 5:00pm EDT, 50% of the course tuition will be refunded or credited. 
  3. No course tuition will be refunded if a student drops a course or withdraws entirely from Yale Summer Session after Friday of the second week of the relevant five-week session at 5:00pm EDT.

Students are advised to take special note of these deadlines; for consistency and fairness across all Yale Summer Session students, these deadlines are strictly enforced.

The Application Fee and I-20 Processing Fee are non-refundable.

Room and Board

A full room and board refund will be issued if a student notifies the Yale Summer Session Office, prior to the start of the relevant five-week session, of their intention not to attend courses in that session via the Change Form on the Changes & Withdrawals page.

Once a student is in residence, he or she will be entitled to a partial room and meal refund only by vacating the room by Friday at 5:00 p.m. of the first week of classes. No refunds will be made after this time. The student will be charged the rate for room and meals for each of the days in residence. Before a refund can be made the student must have his or her room inspected and then return room keys and ID card (if a visiting student), to the Housing Manager in the Summer Housing Office.

Requesting a Refund

Students can request a refund by emailing

If payment was made using Flywire, once the student initiates a refund request using the email address above, the payment will go back to the person or organization that made the payment.

Yale Summer Session 2025