Your Action Items Are Here
Congratulations on your acceptance to the Yale Writers' Workshop! We’re excited to welcome you this summer.
This page outlines important next steps to take before your arrival. Be sure to regularly check the email address you provided in your application for updates and further instructions. If you are not receiving emails from our office, please contact us for assistance at yww@yale.edu.
We look forward to seeing you this summer!
Confirm Your Attendance
Let us know you're joining us! To secure your spot, follow the link in your acceptance email to confirm your participation. Be sure to complete the form and pay the required fees before the deadline date indicated in your acceptance email. Your confirmation helps us prepare for your arrival.
Activate Your NetID
Starting in mid-March, you’ll receive two emails: one with your Yale NetID and another with an activation PIN and instructions. Activate your NetID as soon as possible to access Yale's systems.
If you are a returning Yale Writers' Workshop participant, you will not get a new NetID. Your Yale NetID will be reactivated. Questions: please write to yww@yale.edu.
Pay Your Tuition and Other Fees
Once admitted, you’ll receive a link to pay your tuition and register for housing, if needed. Please complete these steps promptly to ensure your spot. Extensions to the payment deadline are not allowed.
Provide a Photo for Your Yale Student ID Card
Your Yale Student ID card allows you to access Yale's libraries, buildings such as classrooms, and dining hall for meals. If living on campus, it grants you access to your residential college, your dorm room entryway, and so much more. Once you have activated your Yale NetID, you can upload a photo for your Yale ID card on the Yale ID Center website. If your photo is not uploaded before the photo upload deadline, you may be delayed in receiving your ID card and will have difficulty accessing campus buildings during your time at Yale Summer Session. Those Yale Writers' Workshop participants that have a Yale Student ID card will not be issued a new one. Remember to bring your Yale ID card with you. Lost ID cards can be replaced for a fee.
Arrange Your Travel Plans to New Haven
See our travel information to learn how to get to the Yale campus, located in downtown New Haven, Connecticut. Make sure you check the program dates and housing check-in details before you make your plans. For those driving or bringing a car to New Haven, be aware that parking is difficult and expensive. There are public lots located throughout New Haven (at your own expense).
Pack Your Bags
Summer in New Haven is typically warm, with occasional cool evenings. Check the weather forecast for what the weather will be like when you are here. Participants usually dress casually and comfortably. Bring a light sweater or jacket for cool evenings. You may want to bring something nice for a special event or night out. You will be doing a lot of walking to and from your workshops and lectures so pack comfortable walking shoes.
If you are living on campus, your room will have a x-long twin bed, a desk, and a chair. You will be provided with a linen packet that includes a fitted sheet, a top sheet, pillow, blanket and two towels. Bring a fan, desk lamp, toiletries and other items to make your stay comfortable or buy these items when you get here.
[note] Please note that Yale's residential colleges are not air conditioned.
Contact Student Accessibility Services as Needed
Yale University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities in order to provide equitable and inclusive learning environments. If you are a student with a disability and would like to request disability-related accommodations, the first step is to register with Yale Student Accessibility Services, where you can include information about your situation and upload supporting documentation. If you’ve previously been approved for accommodations at Yale, you simply need to renew accommodations for the summer term. Accommodations require early and quick planning in Yale Summer Session and are not provided retroactively, so please make contact as soon as possible.
Residential Accommodations
A student who requires a disability-related housing accommodation must complete the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Accommodation Request form. Additionally, a Student Accessibility Services Housing form must be completed by the student's treating medical provider and submitted to SAS as supporting documentation. Information from medical documentation will only be shared with the appropriate Yale administrators when indicated for health and safety reasons.
A timely response is important. Once a room assignment has been made it will not be possible to change it.
Many physicians have busy practices, and it can take time before they complete and return the required Student Accessibility Services Housing form. It is important that you contact your treatment provider well in advance of the deadline so that you can submit your request for housing accommodations with the appropriate documentation.
Food Allergies/Medically Prescribed Dietary Plan
All Yale Writer Workshop participants will have breakfast and lunch in one of Yale's dining halls. When you are dining with us, we take your food allergies seriously and want to be considerate of your dietary needs. Students with food allergies must notify the University, through the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) so that plans can be made for necessary dietary considerations in dining halls.
Complete the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Accommodation Request form to begin the process of establishing a dietary plan and provide supporting documentation outlining your needs to SAS when you submit the Accommodation Request form. If you have religious dietary needs, please email hospitalitynutrition@yale.edu.