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2025 Summer Session Course Syllabi

Note: Summer 2025 syllabi will be added to this page as they are received from the instructors, typically beginning in March. 

These syllabi are provided as a reference for students, but are subject to change prior to the start of the course. 

[FAQ]African American Studies

AFAM S173 - Race and Slavery in Yale's Archives

[FAQ]American Studies

AMST S220 - Cultural Politics of Cumbia Music & Dance

AMST S248E - Asian American Drama

AMST S254 - Asian American Affect: The Cultural Politics of Emotion 

AMST S259E - The American West: Race, Resistance, and Representation 

AMST S283 - Race and Slavery in Yale's Archives

AMST S365E - Digital Platforms and Cultural Production

AMST S483 - Film, Video, & American History


ANTH S110 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANTH S324E - Urban Education & Housing Policy

ANTH S412 - Ethnographies of Struggle

ANTH S423 - The Anthropology of Possible Worlds

ANTH S441E - Gender & Citizenship in the Middle East

ANTH S462 - Global Health Ethnography

ANTH S464 - Human Osteology

[FAQ]Applied Mathematics

AMTH S222E - Linear Algebra with Applications

[FAQ]Applied Physics

APHY S120 - Energy, Environment, and Policy

APHY S120E - Energy, Environment, and Policy

APHY S151E - Multivariable Calculus for Engineers

APHY S194E - Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations with Applications

[FAQ]Archeological Studies

ARCG S464 - Human Osteology


ARCH S326E - Architecture and Modernity


ART S111 - Visual Thinking

ART S115 - Basic Drawing

ART S130 - Painting Basics

ART S138E - Introduction to Digital Photography

ART S167 - Introduction to Interactive Design

[FAQ]American Sign Language

ASL S110 - American Sign Language I

ASL S120 - American Sign Language II


ASTR S110E - Planets and Stars

ASTR S120 - Galaxies and the Universe


BIOL S105 - Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Cell Biology

BIOL S106 - Genes, Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology

BIOL S300 - Biochemistry

[FAQ]Chemical Engineering

CENG S105E - Introduction to Green Energy Systems (GES)

CENG S150E - Engineering Improv: An Introduction to Engineering Analysis

CENG S300E - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics


CHEM S101 - Chemistry in Context

CHEM S134L - General Chemistry Laboratory I

CHEM S136L - General Chemistry Laboratory II

CHEM S161 - General Chemistry I

CHEM S165 - General Chemistry II

CHEM S220 - Organic Chemistry I

CHEM S221 - Organic Chemistry II

CHEM S222L - Lab for Organic Chemistry I

CHEM S223L - Lab for Organic Chemistry II

[FAQ]Child Study

CHLD S350E - Autism and Related Disorders

[FAQ]Classical Civilization

CLCV S202 - Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World

CLCV S244E - Goddess, Queen, Mother, Midwife: Women in Classical Antiquity

CLCV S419 - Ancient Empires

[FAQ]Cognitive Science

CGSC S152E - Moralities of Everyday Life

[FAQ]Computer Science

CPSC S112 - Introduction to Programming

CPSC S123 - YData: An Introduction to Data Science

CPSC S134 - Programming Musical Applications

CPSC S202 - Mathematical Tools for Computer Science

CPSC S365 - Algorithms

[FAQ]Earth and Planetary Sciences

EPS S120 - Energy, Environment, and Public Policy

EPS S120E - Energy, Environment, and Public Policy

EPS S130 - Global Climate Change and the Carbon Cycle

[FAQ]East Asian Languages and Literature

EALL S212 - Ancient Chinese Thought

EALL S260 - Japanese Anime and Manga: Critical Approaches

EALL S374E - Hong Kong New Wave Film and Media

[FAQ]Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

E&EB S115 - Conservation Biology 

E&EB S464 - Human Osteology


ECON S115E - Introduction to Microeconomics

ECON S116E - Introduction to Macroeconomics

ECON S117E - Introduction to Data Analysis and Econometrics

ECON S159 - Game Theory

ECON S225E - Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management

ECON S281E - Causes and Consequences of Corruption

ECON S328 - Topics in International Economics

ECON S365 - Algorithms

[FAQ]Education Studies 

EDST S151E - Have We Lost Faith in Higher Education?

EDST S255E - Race, Inequality, and Urban Education and Housing Policy

[FAQ]Energy Studies

ENRG S120 - Energy, Environment, and Public Policy

ENRG S120E - Energy, Environment, and Public Policy

[FAQ]Engineering and Applied Science

ENAS S120 - Energy, Environment, and Public Policy

ENAS S120E - Energy, Environment, and Public Policy

ENAS S151E - Multivariable Calculus for Engineers

ENAS S194E - Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations with Applications


ENGL S114 - Writing Seminars I: The Art of Time (30024)

ENGL S114 - Writing Seminars I: Nostalgia (30025)

ENGL S120E - Reading and Writing the Modern Essay

ENGL S121 - Writing about Politics

ENGL S121E - Writing about Cities 

ENGL S123E - Introduction to Creative Writing

ENGL S126 - Readings in English Poetry II

ENGL S127E - Readings in American Literature

ENGL S128 - Readings in Comparative World English Literatures

ENGL S201E - Shakespeare: Histories and Tragedies

ENGL S287E - Literature and the Future

ENGL S404 - Reading Fiction for Craft

ENGL S410 - Introduction to Creative Nonfiction

[FAQ]Environmental Studies 

EVST S121 - Energy, Environment, and Public Policy

EVST S121E - Energy, Environment, and Public Policy

EVST S264E - Introduction to Environmental Health

[FAQ]Ethics, Politics and Economics

EP&E S354 - The Ethics of AI

EP&E S399E - Digital Platforms and Cultural Production

EP&E S404 - Ethnographies of Struggle

EP&E S417 - Animal Ethics Today

EP&E S421E - Ethics and the Law: Death Penalty, Wrongful Convictions and Best Practices in Criminal Justice

[FAQ]Ethnicity, Race, and Migration

ER&M S120 - Cultural Politics of Cumbia Music & Dance

ER&M S168E - Asian American Drama

ER&M S295E - Digital Platforms and Cultural Production

ER&M S315E - Asian American Foodways

ER&M S326 - Asian American Affect: The Cultural Politics of Emotion

ER&M S340E - The American West: Race, Resistance, and Representation

ER&M S387E - Migrants and Borders in the Americas

ER&M S391 - Histories of Racism in Science, Medicine, and the University

[FAQ]Film & Media Studies

FILM S188E - Sports and Media

FILM S205 - Japanese Anime and Manga: Critical Approaches

FILM S208E -The Business of Film

FILM S247 - Film, Video, & American History

FILM S268E - Digital Platforms and Cultural Production

FILM S350E - Screenwriting

FILM S374E - Hong Kong New Wave Film and Media


FREN S999E - French for Reading


GMAN S999E - German for Reading

[FAQ]Global Affairs

GLBL S275 - Approaches to International Security

GLBL S313E - The United Nations on the Ground 

GLBL S343E - Disinformation and Democracy

[FAQ]Global Health Studies

HLTH S225E - Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management 

HLTH S264E - Introduction to Environmental Health


HIST S108E - The American West: Race, Resistance, and Representation

HIST S173 - Race and Slavery in Yale's Archives 

HIST S174J - Technology and American Medicine

HIST S179E - Poverty and Public Health in 20th Century US History

HIST S187 - Film, Video & American History

HIST S268E - The Global Right: From the French Revolution to the American Insurrection

HIST S282E - Goddess, Queen, Mother, Midwife: Women in Classical Antiquity

HIST S402 - Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World

[FAQ]History of Art

HSAR S223 - Art Since 1945

[FAQ]History of Science and Medicine

HSHM S428 - Technology and American Medicine 

HSHM S455 - Histories of Racism in Science, Medicine, and the University

HSHM S461E - Poverty and Public Health in 20th Century US History


HUMS S225E - Medicine and the Humanities: Certainty and Unknowing

HUMS S260 - Free Will and Moral Responsibility

HUMS S411 - Life Worth Living


ITAL S999E - Italian for Reading

[FAQ]Judaic Studies 

JDST S351E - The Global Right: From the French Revolution to the American Insurrection


LATN S110E - Beginning Latin: The Elements of Latin Grammar

LATN S120E - Beginning Latin: Review of Grammar and Selected Readings

[FAQ]Latin American Studies

LAST S213 - Ethnographies of Struggle


LING S110 - Introduction to Linguistics


MATH S112E - Calculus of Functions of One Variable I

MATH S115E - Calculus of Functions of One Variable II

MATH S120E - Calculus of Functions of Several Variables

MATH S222E - Linear Algebra with Applications

MATH S244E - Discrete Mathematics

[FAQ]Mechanical Engineering

MENG S280E - Mechanical Engineering I: Strength and Deformation of Mechanical Elements

MENG S383E - Mechanical Engineering III: Dynamics

[FAQ]Modern Middle East Studies 

MMES S430E - Gender & Citizenship in the Middle East

[FAQ]Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry

MB&B S200 - Biochemistry

[FAQ]Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

MCDB S205 - Cell Biology

MCDB S300 - Biochemistry

MCDB S320 - Neurobiology


MUSI S110E - Elements of Musical Pitch and Time

MUSI S152 - The Cover Song: Remaking Musical Meaning

MUSI S207 - Commercial Popular Music Theory

MUSI S290E - Electronic Dance Music: Fundamentals

MUSI S426 - Programming Musical Applications

[FAQ]Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

NELC S119 - Ancient Empires


NSCI S320 - Neurobiology


PHIL S110 - Introduction to Philosophy

PHIL S152E - Moralities of Everyday Life

PHIL S160 - Free Will and Moral Responsibility

PHIL S178 - Introduction to Political Philosophy

PHIL S183E - Philosophy and Technology

PHIL S203 - Ancient Chinese Thought

PHIL S354 - The Ethics of AI

PHIL S417 - Animal Ethics Today


PHYS S101E - Movie Physics

PHYS S102E - Hollywood Astrophysics

PHYS S120 - Energy, Environment, and Public Policy

PHYS S120E - Energy, Environment, and Public Policy

PHYS S165L - General Physics Laboratory

PHYS S166L - General Physics Laboratory

PHYS S180E - University Physics

PHYS S181E - University Physics

[FAQ]Political Science

PLSC S111 - Introduction to International Relations

PLSC S113E - Introduction to American Politics 

PLSC S167 - International Human Rights and Politics

PLSC S203E - Women, Politics, and Policy

PLSC S227E - The United States Congress

PLSC S240 - U.S. State and Local Politics

PLSC S270E - Disinformation and Democracy

PLSC S275 - Approaches to International Security

PLSC S351 - YData: An Introduction to Data Science

PLSC S384 - Free Will and Moral Responsibility

PLSC S466E - The Global Right: From the French Revolution to the American Insurrection


PSYC S110E - Introduction to Psychology (Session A)

PSYC S110E - Introduction to Psychology (Session B)

PSYC S152E - Moralities of Everyday Life

PSYC S179E - Thinking

PSYC S180E - Introduction to Clinical Psychology

PSYC S350E - Autism and Related Disorders

PSYC S434E - The Psychology of Changing One's Mind

[FAQ]Religious Studies 

RLST S324E - The Global Right: From the French Revolution to the American Insurrection


SOCY S101 - Introduction to Sociology

SOCY S151E - Foundations of Modern Social Theory

SOCY S175E - Have We Lost Faith in Higher Education?


SPAN S999E - Spanish for Reading

[FAQ]Statistics and Data Sciences

S&DS S100E - Introductory Statistics

S&DS S123 - YData: An Introduction to Data Science

S&DS S230E - Data Exploration and Analysis

S&DS S363E - Multivariate Statistics for Social Sciences

[FAQ]Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies 

TDPS S238E - Asian American Drama

[FAQ]Theater Studies

THST S343 - Public Speaking

THST S393 - Modern Drama in Literature and Art

[FAQ]Urban Studies

URBN S317E - Urban Education & Housing Policy

URBN S335E - Writing about Cities

[FAQ]Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

WGSS S204E - Women, Politics, and Policy

WGSS S254 - Asian American Affect: The Cultural Politics of Emotion

WGSS S263E - Rye: Cultural History and Embodied Practice

WGSS S294E - Goddess, Queen, Mother, Midwife: Women in Classical Antiquity

WGSS S430E - Gender & Citizenship in the Middle East

Yale Summer Session 2025